
1. 首屆「全校性學生自治組織成果競賽暨觀摩活動」昨天(28)落幕,最後由明道大學和景文科技大學等10個學生會獲得特優獎,青年署也安排專題演講、世界咖啡館討論,以及青年領袖之夜等活動,提供各校學生會相互交流,代理署長施建矗表示,未來會重新審視競賽辦理的方式,並增設進步獎。

The first “National student self-governing organization contest and observation” ended yesterday. Some ten student unions from Ming Dao University and Jin Wen University of Science and Technology won certificate high distinction. The Youth Development of Administration (YDA) from Ministry of Education (MOE) arranged activities such as keynote speeches, world café discussion and young leaders’ night in the hope of providing the chance for student unions to exchange opinions from different universities. The acting director of YAD indicated that they will review the method of this contest and add Progress Award to it.

2. 總統馬英九昨天(28)表示,現在如果不改革年金制度,軍公教與勞工的4種基金將分別在民國108年到120年破產,未來的年金制度「繳的錢稍微多一點點、領的錢稍微少一點點」,但整體來說,還是繳得少領得多。馬總統說,年金改革勢在必行,希望大家支持。

President Ma Ying Jeou said yesterday that if we don’t reform the annuity and pension system, the four-tier pension system of public functionaries and labor will go bankrupt in the year of 108 and 120 respectively. With the future annuity and pension system, people need to “pay a little more money and receive a little less money”, but overall, they still receive more than pay. President Ma said that the annuity and pension reform will definitely be implemented in the near future and hoped that the public supports the reform.

3. 臺灣大學公共政策與法律研究中心,昨天(28)公布一份最新調查,6成9的基北區國中生家長,贊成增加會考等級以避免抽籤,6成6贊成公立傳統名校繼續存在,另外有5成家長認為,十二年國教入學制度太複雜。中心表示,問卷結果除了適時反映家長的心聲,也提供政府政策制定時的參考。

The public policy and law research center of National Taiwan University published a new survey result yesterday that 69% of the parents in Keelung and Taipei area agreed to increasing the level of exams so as to avoid drawing lots, 66% agreed to the continual existence of public traditional prestigious schools and another 50% thought the twelve-year national compulsory education system was too complicated. The center indicated that the result of the survey not only timely reflected the voice of the parents but also provided reference to government policy formulation.

4. 宜蘭佛光大學校園最近正值油桐花季,白色花海點綴山頭,彷彿飄下四月雪。學校表示,想要觀賞美景的民眾,可以把握機會在白天前往賞花,夜間欣賞蘭陽平原浪漫美景,校園每天開放參觀時間在上午7點到晚上9點。

The campus of Fo Guang University in I-Lan is in tung blossom season. The trees in the mountain are covered with white tung flowers as if April snow was falling. The school said that people who wanted to enjoy the beautiful scenery can go to the school to see the tung blossom in the day time and enjoy the romantic night view of Lanyang Plain in the night time. The campus is open to the public from 7 am to 9 pm.

5. 昨天(28)是金門兒童保護日,縣長李沃士與400位親子,拼出「用愛包圍 全家拚幸福」圖樣,宣示保護兒童的決心。李沃士鼓勵親子多互動,關心受虐兒童,讓家庭更和樂;活動中也透過遊戲宣導兒童保護相關常識,增加學童自我保護的能力。

Yesterday was Kinmen’s Child Protection Day. The county magistrate Li Wo Shi and four hundred parents and children made the picture with words that dubbed, “Surrounded by love, families pursue happiness.” to declare the resolution to protect children. Li also encouraged more interaction between parents and children. Caring for abused children makes a home more harmonious and happy. The activities aimed to teach children related knowledge of child protection through playing games so as to enhance their self-protection ability.

6. 蜜蜂的嗅覺比狗強,一般訓練偵查犬要6個月,但訓練一隻蜜蜂只要6秒鐘,就能分辨出塑膠炸藥,英國一家公司已接受政府資助,協助訓練蜜蜂在英國機場執行嗅聞爆裂物的任務。訓練方式是在蜜蜂面前一起擺放著要偵測的爆裂物和糖水,當蜜蜂吸食糖水時,就會同時連結糖水與爆裂物或化學物的氣味。

Bees' sense of smell is sharper than dogs. A regular investigation dog takes six months to train, but it only takes six seconds to train a bee to distinguish plastic explosives. A company in Britain has been subsidized by government to train bees to do the task of smelling the explosives in British airport. The training method is to use sugar solution mixed with the aroma of explosives. When the bees are fed the sugar solution, their keen sense of smell soon associates the smell of explosives or chemicals with food.