
1. 大學入學考試中心昨天(16)召開考試委員會,討論指定科目考試違規及申訴處理案,今年指考共有164件違規,比去年205件減少,還是以攜帶手機或手機、手錶鈴響違規最多,其中,有一名考生把答案卷上准考證號條碼,用筆加深加粗,影響讀卡,該科成績將以零分計算。

College Entrance Examination Center held examination committee to discuss how to deal with relevant violations and appeals yesterday. One hundred sixty-four violations were found in Department Required Test this year. The number of violation is less than that in the last year which reached two hundred and five. Most violations are bringing cell phone and having cell phone and watch ring. Additionally, one of the test takers was scored zero in the exam which he thickened the abbreviation for bar code by his pen, which made the exam paper invalid.

2. 教育部發現每年寒暑假,都會有業者打著「外位內修」的口號進行招生。所謂「外位內修」指的是透過函授、全遠距離教學、或是透過在台設「分校」的名義授課,取得國外學歷。教育部高等教育司表示,目前政府沒有核准任何國外大學來台設立分校,也沒有開放所謂的「外位內修」,用這種方式取得的學歷,政府依法都不承認。

The Ministry of Education finds that many education business operators would profess that their students can get academic qualifications of foreign colleges through instruction by correspondence, distance learning and the courses teaching in the branch. The Department of Higher Education pointed out that so far no branch of foreign colleges is qualified to be established in Taiwan. The ways to receive the academic degrees will not be officially approved.

3. 技專校院產學合作發表最新研發成果,大華科技大學研發可以自動降溫的「汽車車廂節制高溫裝置」,可以讓車內溫度降低攝氏12度,讓汽車不再是「鐵蒸籠」,國立高雄應用科技大學則開發夜間車牌辨識技術,不管夜晚或下雨,也能在車子行進間辨識車牌號碼。

The cooperation of industry-academia cooperation project released its latest result of research. Ta Hwa University of Science and Technology studies and invents a device for controlling high temperature in a car which can lower 12 degree Celsius of automobile temperature. National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences develops a skill to identify license plates in darkness. No matter night or rainy day, people in car can identify the number on the plates through this skill.

4. 世新大學創校再過3年,將屆滿60週年,首創國內第一所大學由學校投資拍攝劇情長片,並廣發英雄帖,公開徵選電影劇本故事大綱,作為校慶劇情長片基礎,特別邀請世新畢業校友、校內教職員生,以愛情喜劇為題,發揮創意,呈現翠谷之美。詳情可上學校網站查詢。

Shin Hsin University will celebrate its 60th anniversary after three years. A film invested by a school for the first time will publicly solicit the skeleton of the script to be the basis of the movie. It specially invites schoolfellows, teachers and students of Shin Hsin University to take romance comedy as a theme to develop their creativity for showing the beauty of school. For more detail, please check the Website of Shin Hsin University

5. 根據亞洲大學心理系與成功大學行為醫學所合作進行的一項國中生自我傷害研究顯示,國中生中有32.7%曾經出現刻意的自我傷害行為。而在過去一年中出現自我傷害行為的盛行率高達24.5%;學者呼籲家長必須強化孩子的情緒調控能力以及溝通表達能力,進而想辦法讓孩子更快樂。

The research about self-injury toward junior high school students conducted by Department of Psychology, Asia University and National Cheng Kung University Medical College Institute of Behavioral Medicine shows that 32.7% of junior high school students have ever experienced self-injurious behaviors. The self-injury rate even reaches 24.5% during the past one year. Scholars calls upon parents to improve their children’s EQ and strengthen the ability of communication making them happier.

6. 為了進一步打造無菸環境,新加坡政府選定1個居民約5萬人的區域,打造為示範區。新加坡保建促進局打算先以義順南區做為示範區,整個區內的公共區域除了特定的地點,基本上都不能吸菸,這個計畫預計年底開始實施。保健促進局長徐永剛希望這個計畫可以創造新的常態,讓吸菸成為「不被接受的行為」。

To form a smoke-free living environment, Singapore government selects an area which has fifty thousand residents to be nonsmoking demonstrative district. Health Promotion Board, Singapore plans to choose the south area of 義順 district to be the demonstration. Smoking is not allowed there except some appointed locations. The project is estimated to be practiced in the end of this year. The head of the board 徐永剛 hopes to create a new normality making smoking become a behavior of not being accepted.