

Trend Micro donated a platform of cloud service researched and developed by its subsidiary TCloud Computing to internal colleges yesterday for teaching and cultivating the talents of related technology. At the same time, it also cooperated with the Ministry of Education to promote the cloud technology curriculums and the development of relevant teaching materials. The ministry will select three colleges to open the curriculums in trial. And Trend Micro will provide teachers and college professors for cultivating the talents in need.


Mayor of Taipei City Government 郝龍斌 proceeds with his report for the topics of 12-year compulsory education, integration of kindergartens and nursery schools and World University Games. Some commissioners query about the identification of ratio order toward the records of rewards and punishments which may leads to unfair standards. The department of education will discuss the possibility of standardizing the records with every junior high schools.


A non-smoking bus-waiting zone had been set in the non-smoking campus program promoted by Tamkang University since yesterday. In addition to establish billboards, paint green marks, it is promoted through Tamkang newspaper, website and bus operators. The program may be extended if it achieves remarkable success in the future

aid by the university.

4. 衛生署疾病管制局公布國內今年出現首例登革熱本土病例,個案是一名居住在臺南市北區的40歲女性,曾經出現發燒和肌肉酸痛等症狀而到診所就醫,結果經由疾管局檢驗,確認感染第一型登革病毒。由於今年首例登革熱本土病例提前出現,疾病管制局特別呼籲民眾,落實清除家戶內外的積水容器,並進行社區容器減量等防治工作。

The first internal dengue fever case in this year was revealed by the Center for Disease Control. A 40-year-old female living in the northern district of Tainan City sought medical service while she got fever and felt sore on muscle. After being confirmed by the center, she was announced being infected by the virus of type 1 dengue fever. The center specially called upon the public to clean up the containers accumulated by water and reduce the utilization of the containers in the communities.

5. 立委提案修法認為,捷運站應該提供充電服務以及放寬站區內飲用開水的規定。交通部路政司長陳彥伯表示,高雄捷運已經全線都有免費充電區;而台北捷運各站設充電插座預計半年內建置完成,至於是否放寬飲用白開水,陳彥伯表示,基於衛生考量,建議還是禁止比較好。

Some legislators considered that charging service should be provided in MRT station and drinking water should be allowed as well. Director of Department of Road Administration, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications 陳彥伯 said the free charging service has been working in KRTC, and the construction of the service for Metro Taipei is expected to be completed within half a year. The permission of allowing water-drinking in MRT is suspended in the consideration of hygiene, 陳 said.

6. 香港教育局就推展電子教科書計劃,向立法會提交文件,申請5千萬元作為撥款給非營利機構的資助,教育局長孫明揚相信,電子教科書能提供更優良和價錢合理的課本,如果有三成學校採用電子教科書,成本便會便宜一半,如果能成功開拓這個市場,能給學界多一個選擇。

Hong Kong Education Bureau hands out a document to the Legislative Council for the application of fifty million dollars for supporting non-profit institutions to promote e-textbook program. The director 孫明揚 believed that the higher quality and better price can be offered in the program. The prime cost can be half deducted if thirty percent of schools adopt e-textbook program. Besides, the success of the market will provide educational sector another choice.