
委內瑞拉 1.2萬名青年音樂家挑戰全球最大管弦樂團紀錄,演奏柴可夫斯基名曲,將由 260名評判員花 10天時間裁定是否合格。泰國憲法法院裁定「改革君主制」訴求屬違憲,再度引爆抗議浪潮。獵豹全球僅存約 7千隻左右,而每年還有 3百隻獵豹寶寶通過非洲國家索馬利蘭走私賣給中東富豪。比利時圖爾奈(Tournai)近日展出百年歷史神父服飾,讓民眾一窺 17世紀以來的宗教服裝演變史,也是這些服裝 50年來首次展出。Yahoo奇摩新聞推出【全球 24小時】帶你快速瀏覽過去 24小時,世界上發生的大小事。

聲勢壯闊 委內瑞拉1.2萬音樂家挑戰世界最大管弦樂團紀錄

Members of the National System of Orchestras of Venezuela play during an attempt to enter the Guinness Book of Records for the largest orchestra in the world, with more than 12,000 musicians, at the Military Academy of the Bolivarian Army in Fuerte Tiuna Military Complex, in Caracas, on November 13, 2021. (Photo by Federico PARRA / AFP) (Photo by FEDERICO PARRA/AFP via Getty Images)

委內瑞拉1.2萬名青年音樂家13日聚集首都卡拉卡斯(Caracas),挑戰世界最大管弦樂團的金氏世界紀錄,此前紀錄由俄羅斯2年前8,079人齊演奏所創。參與成員來自委國「國家青少年與兒童管弦樂團系統」(National System of Youth and Children's Orchestras),演奏曲目是俄國知名作曲家柴可夫斯基(Tchaikovsky)1876年作品「斯拉夫進行曲」(Marche Salve),曲目長約10分鐘。

Members of the National System of Orchestras of Venezuela play during an attempt to enter the Guinness Book of Records for the largest orchestra in the world, with more than 12,000 musicians, at the Military Academy of the Bolivarian Army in Fuerte Tiuna Military Complex, in Caracas, on November 13, 2021. (Photo by Federico PARRA / AFP) (Photo by FEDERICO PARRA/AFP via Getty Images)



延伸閱讀》狂!美105歲人瑞阿嬤 跑百米破同齡跑者世界紀錄

學運升溫 「改革君主制違憲」 泰街頭千人再怒吼

學運升溫 「改革君主制違憲」 泰街頭千人再怒吼

泰國憲法法院日前裁定3名學運領袖「改革君主制」訴求屬於「違憲」,再度引發民眾強烈不滿,14日數千人湧上曼谷街頭怒吼,並焚燒憲法法官的肖像;泰王瓦吉拉隆功(Maha Vajiralongkorn)近日才聲勢浩蕩地「返回」第二故鄉德國,抗議人士亦遊行至德國駐曼谷大使館並提交聲明。示威者認為改革君主制並不等於廢除,大批警力鎮守抗議現場,衝突中約3人受傷。

學運升溫 「改革君主制違憲」 泰街頭千人再怒吼

泰國批評君主制聲浪近年不斷擴大,加上疫情、對總理巴育不滿等,去年起陳抗不斷。學運領袖帕努莎雅(Panusaya Sithijirawattanakul) 、阿農(Arnon Nampa)和帕努彭(Panupong Jadnok)去年8月提出改革王室訴求,包括提升財政透明度、廢除冒犯君主法(lèse-majesté laws)等,憲法法院11日稱改革訴求違憲,須停止相關行為。不少觀察家及媒體認為,法院判決使學運後繼無力外,更代表保守派再一次政治干預;而值得關注的是,此裁定是否被引入學運領袖相關案件審判中,依照泰國刑法,「叛國」或顛覆體制最高恐處終身監禁或死刑。

延伸閱讀》泰國學運領袖要求改革君主制 泰法院裁定違憲 恐判死刑

淪中東富豪寵物 1年走私300隻 索馬利蘭獵豹寶寶陷危機

A baby cheetah is weighed on a scale as others stay inside a mosquito net, in one of the facilities of the Cheetah Conservation Fund, in the city of Hargeisa, Somaliland, on September 17, 2021. Every year an estimated 300 cheetah cubs are trafficked through Somaliland to wealthy buyers in the Middle East seeking exotic pets.
Snatched from their mothers, shipped out of Africa to war-torn Yemen and onward to the Gulf, a cub that survives the ordeal can fetch up to $15,000 on the blackmarket.
It is a busy trade, one less familiar than criminal markets for elephant ivory or rhino horn, but no less devastating for Africa's most endangered big cat.


TOPSHOT - A volunteer of the Cheetah Conservation Fund plays with cheetahs in their cage in one of the facilities of the organisation in the city of Hargeisa, Somaliland, on September 17, 2021. Every year an estimated 300 cheetah cubs are trafficked through Somaliland to wealthy buyers in the Middle East seeking exotic pets.
Snatched from their mothers, shipped out of Africa to war-torn Yemen and onward to the Gulf, a cub that survives the ordeal can fetch up to $15,000 on the blackmarket.
It is a busy trade, one less familiar than criminal markets for elephant ivory or rhino horn, but no less devastating for Africa's most endangered big cat.

延伸閱讀》沙烏地國王送川普3件稀有皮毛 專家鑑定是「贗品」

當時一件價格可以蓋教堂 神父們的時尚50年來首度公開展示

Volunteer models walk in around 30 religious garbs, some dating back to the 15th century, runway show at the Tournai cathedral, Belgium, November 10, 2021. Picture taken November 10, 2021.   REUTERS/Pascal Rossignol     TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

一場別開生面的服裝秀近日登上比利時古城圖爾奈(Tournai)大教堂,數十名志工模特兒身著歷史悠久的神父服飾走上伸展台,將宗教織品百年史展現在世人面前。大教堂歷史學家雅克(Michel-Amand Jacques)指出,這是50年來首次對公眾展示這些服裝,展覽展出約30件服飾,呈現17世紀到現代的宗教服飾演變史。而這些服飾也價值不菲,雅克表示,18世紀時一套神父服飾價格約在1.5萬到1.8萬法國里弗(French livres),大概等同今日的25萬到30萬歐元(約新台幣796萬到955萬元)之間,與當時一座中型教堂要價相當。

The details of a liturgical cope are seen before a Volunteer models walk in around 30 religious garbs, some dating back to the 15th century, in a runway show at the Tournai cathedral, Belgium, November 10, 2021. Picture taken November 10, 2021.   REUTERS/Pascal Rossignol
The shadows of volunteer models who attend in the backstage before they walk in around 30 religious garbs, some dating back to the 15th century, in a runway show are seen at the Tournai cathedral, Belgium, November 10, 2021. Picture taken November 10, 2021.   REUTERS/Pascal Rossignol
