遲來的祝福? 日本外交青書挺台入WHA

<p>Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi issued a report on the blue book in the Cabinet on Tuesday.(圖/翻攝自 FNN 富士新聞網|Courtesy of FNN)</p>

Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi issued a report on the blue book in the Cabinet on Tuesday.(圖/翻攝自 FNN 富士新聞網|Courtesy of FNN)

【看CP學英文】日本令和 2 年( 2020 )版本的「外交青書」報告內容明確指出日本「一直對台灣以觀察員身份,參加 WHO 大會( WHA )表示支持」的立場。這也是台灣自2017年無法參加大會以來,日本政府第一次明確在外交青書上記述。

Japan has long supported Taiwan’s participation as an observer in the World Health Assembly (WHA), according to the 2020 Diplomatic Bluebook.

This is the first time the bluebook has included support for Taiwan’s bid to obtain observer status at the World Health Assembly since 2017 when Taiwan was banned from attending the meeting due to China’s opposition.

日本外交部長茂木敏充週二於內閣會議交出令和 2 年( 2020 )版本的「外交青書」報告。

Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi issued the report on the bluebook at a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday.


The report touches on Taiwan’s bid to take part in the World Health Organization’s general assembly as an observer. It says Japan has consistently backed Taiwan.

根據The Japan News報導,外交青書指出新冠病毒自中國爆發,對全球經濟、社會、外交等各方面發展造成深遠的影響。

Regarding the novel coronavirus, the bluebook stresses that the coronavirus first appeared in China, adding that the pandemic is having a major global impact on various aspects, such as the economic, social and diplomatic.


In terms of Japan-Russia relations, the bluebook said that the northern territories are islands over which Japan has sovereignty, stating that the two countries will work to negotiate a basic policy for concluding a peace treaty after resolving the attribution issue of the four northern islands.

Last year’s bluebook did not mention that the four islands “belong to Japan,” leading to criticism mainly from members of the Liberal Democratic Party.

對於日韓關係,二戰時期的徵用工問題仍待解決。但是「韓國是重要的鄰國」這樣的描述時隔 3 年再次出現。自日韓兩國於去年12月舉辦高峰會,雙方關係某種程度上已不再持續惡化。

Regarding South Korea, the phrase “important neighbor” was revived for the first time in three years. Japan and South Korea held a summit in December last year which has helped mended bilateral relations to some extent.

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