中國網紅13歲起整形百次 網驚:「這還是張臉嗎?」

<p>“Little Z Nana”, a social media influencer from China, recently revealed on her Weibo page, her 100-plus plastic surgery procedures that she has undergone since the age of 13. (Courtesy of Weibo/小z娜娜Nana)</p>

“Little Z Nana”, a social media influencer from China, recently revealed on her Weibo page, her 100-plus plastic surgery procedures that she has undergone since the age of 13. (Courtesy of Weibo/小z娜娜Nana)


“Little Z Nana”, a social media influencer from China, recently revealed on her Weibo page, the 100-plus plastic surgery procedures that she has undergone since the age of 13.

The 15-year-old shared with her followers that the many procedures had cost her around RMB $1 million (around NT$4.17 million).


In her Weibo bio, Nana wrote that she has undergone 6 “double-eyelid” surgeries, 5 Lateral canthoplasties (outer eye corner) procedures, 3 body liposuctions, 1 “full-face bone reduction” surgery, 2 facial lipo-suctions, 2 thigh liposuctions and 3 surgeries on her mouth.

中國網紅「小z娜娜」自13歲就開始整形|“Little Z Nana”, a social media influencer from China, recently revealed on her Weibo page, her 100-plus plastic surgery procedures that she has undergone since the age of 13. (Courtesy of Weibo/小z娜娜Nana)
中國網紅「小z娜娜」自13歲就開始整形|“Little Z Nana”, a social media influencer from China, recently revealed on her Weibo page, her 100-plus plastic surgery procedures that she has undergone since the age of 13. (Courtesy of Weibo/小z娜娜Nana)


As of now, Nana has over 300 thousand followers on her Weibo page. She revealed that because her numerous surgeries have interfered with her health, she has not been to school for some time.

She has since kept her fans updated on her various auditions for talent shows, and frequently posts videos of her singing and dancing to gain more exposure.

中國網紅「小z娜娜」自13歲就開始整形|“Little Z Nana”, a social media influencer from China, recently revealed on her Weibo page, her 100-plus plastic surgery procedures that she has undergone since the age of 13. (Courtesy of Weibo/小z娜娜Nana)
中國網紅「小z娜娜」自13歲就開始整形|“Little Z Nana”, a social media influencer from China, recently revealed on her Weibo page, her 100-plus plastic surgery procedures that she has undergone since the age of 13. (Courtesy of Weibo/小z娜娜Nana)


Nana revealed that she has finally bagged an audition on Saturday, writing “I’m getting up now to catch my flight for my audition.”

小z娜娜時常在微博分享整形過程|Little Z Nana often shared the plastic surgeries she had undergone. (Courtesy of Weibo/小z娜娜Nana)
小z娜娜時常在微博分享整形過程|Little Z Nana often shared the plastic surgeries she had undergone. (Courtesy of Weibo/小z娜娜Nana)


Her love for plastic surgery has garnered harsh criticisms from netizens, but Nana responded by saying “Don’t say I’m doing these procedures to meet other’s beauty standards. I’m willing to spend the money to do this, and it brings me confidence and joy.”

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