
1. 教育部規定有關兼任、代課代理教師,應比照專任教師,不得在外補習、或從事家教工作,昨天(7)在全國教育局處長會議中,國教司再次要求各直轄市、縣市政府,將相關規定列入兼任、代課代理教師聘約及補充規定中,加以規範,並落實實施。

According to the regulation of the Ministry of Education, the part-time and acting teachers should not take the positions in cram schools or tutorial jobs following the example of full-time teachers. Department of Elementary Education had asked municipalities and county governments to include relevant rules in the regulation for part-time and acting teachers and put them into practice.

2. 2012年美國中學生數學能力分級測驗AMC10、AMC12昨天(7)在全國14個考場同步舉行,今年有1萬4000多人報考,其中,有13名小學生報名挑戰高三程度AMC1以及高一程度AMC10考試,還有1位小一學生報考高一程度考試,成為有史以來報考這一級競賽年紀最小的學生。

American Mathematics Competitions level 10 and 12 were held in the fourteen testing halls yesterday. About fourteen thousand people applied for them this year. Among the test takers, thirteen elementary school students applied for AMC 1 which equals to the level of the 3rd grade of senior high school students and AMC 10 which equals to the level of the first grade of senior high school students. Additionally, a student of the first grade of elementary school applied for the level of the first grade of senior high school students who became the youngest one of the exam throughout the history.

3. 行政院青輔會第四屆「青年壯遊臺灣-尋找感動地圖」實踐計畫,將在2月10號截止收件。這項活動邀請青年朋友,以「青年公益壯遊」為主題,規劃獨特、有創意的走訪臺灣計畫,預計入選100組團隊將由青輔會提供1萬元入選獎金,完成計畫者還有機會獲得1萬元到6萬元的成果競賽獎金,只要是18到30歲的國內及在臺國際青年都可以參加。

The application for the 4th program for young people to travel around Taiwan held by National Youth Commission, the Executive Yuan will be due February 10th. The activity takes “young people travel for public welfare” as a theme planning unique and creative schedule of tourism. One hundred teams are expected to be enrolled for the delivery of ten thousand dollars of reward from the commission. Those who complete the program may gain extra ten thousand to sixty thousand dollars of reward. The internal and international young people between eighteen to thirty years old are qualified to apply for it.

4. 臺南市政府與臺灣世界展望會合作,號召市府員工從一同親身體驗飢餓,並舉行飢餓體驗分享會。臺南市副市長顏純左希望大家透過體驗飢餓,了解非洲國家人民的痛苦,進而愛護我們的地球。臺灣世界展望會邀請全民參與2月11號、12號兩天在高雄舉行的全臺飢餓勇士大會師活動,讓愛心不中斷。

台南 City Government cooperates with World Vision Taiwan to appeal the staff of the city government to experience the feeling of hunger together as well as hold a seminar to share the experiences. Vice director of 台南 City Government 顏純左 hoped the participants to realize the pain of people who live in Africa and then know how to protect our earth by taking part in the famine-experiencing activity. World Vision Taiwan invites people to participate in the famine activity held on February 11th and 12th making the kindness connected.

5. 台中市一名一歲八個月林姓男童,在哥哥腸病毒71型痊癒後,跟著染病,病情迅速擴大,住院25天總算救回一命。台中市衛生局憂心,國中小學開學後,腸病毒疫情會迅速蔓延,呼籲民眾落實防疫,家中如果有孩童感染腸病毒,要立刻隔離,以免傳給其他家庭成員。

A one year and eight month years old boy was infected by enterovirus after his older brother recovered from the 71st type of enterovirus. He was finally rescued after staying in hospital for medical service for twenty-five days even the condition had ever been getting worse. Department of Health, Taichung City Government worried that the epidemic may be spread speedily and called upon the public to carry out the prevention. The children who are infected should be quarantined right away to avoid further infection.

6. 泰國教育部技職教育署署長(Chaiyapruek Sereerak )表示,泰國教育部技職教育署提出農業發展教育政策,希望能提高農民職業的收入,並建立農業新形象。最近泰國教育部技職教育署和以色列合作,辦理專科學校植物科學系建教合作計劃,提升農業人才專業知識。

The director of the Administration of Vocational and Technical Education in Thailand indicates that it has offered educational policy for agricultural development which is expected to increase the farmers’ income and establish a new image of agriculture. For enhancing the professional knowledge of the talents of agriculture, the local Ministry of Education and administration have cooperates with Israel to deal with a cooperative program held by industrial and academic fields holding department of plant biology in vocational schools.