今日無新增病例 累計290人解除隔離

<p>Health Minister Chen Shih-chung speaks at a press conference on April 27, 2020. (Photo courtesy of the CECC)</p>

Health Minister Chen Shih-chung speaks at a press conference on April 27, 2020. (Photo courtesy of the CECC)


The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) on Monday reported no new cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, keeping the total number in Taiwan at 429.

Yesterday saw an additional 498 pneumonia-related reports being released, and the tally as of press time was 60,956 (including 52,269 already dismissed), with 429 confirmed infections.

Among the 429 confirmed cases, 343 are imported, 55 are categorized as local infections, and 31 belonging to the navy cluster infection cases.

Taiwan has reported 6 deaths so far, and a total of 290 of the COVID-19 patients in the country have already been released from quarantine, Chen said.


Meanwhile, the CECC announced that five patients who previously returned from Wuhan (April 20-21) are currently being treated with another person also accompanying the patients at a hospital. The others are still being monitored and under quarantine.

As for the navy cluster infection cases, the CECC has tracked down 1,916 contacts, with 585 under quarantine and 1,331 asked to practice self-health management.

Of the 585 in quarantine, 262 sailors have been tested of which 254 tested negative. The remaining sailors are waiting for their results.


According to the latest tallies, there are 3,004,956 confirmed COVID-19 cases in 184 countries and regions, including 979,128 in the U.S., 226,629 in Spain, 197,675 in Italy, 191,743 in France and 154,175 in Germany, with a total of 205,901 deaths as of Monday.

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