臺灣原民文化站上世界舞台 《傳承》獲國際級攝影大獎

<p>鍾亞庭《傳承》- 2020 索尼世界攝影大獎 – 台灣區域國家獎 首獎作品 | © Ya-Ting Chung, National Award, Winner, Taiwan, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards (Courtesy of Sony)</p>

鍾亞庭《傳承》- 2020 索尼世界攝影大獎 – 台灣區域國家獎 首獎作品 | © Ya-Ting Chung, National Award, Winner, Taiwan, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards (Courtesy of Sony)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】國際攝影盛事索尼攝影大獎Sony World Photography Awards)今年針對來自60個國家、地區的攝影作品進行評比,選出各國前三名作品。台灣區域國家獎由攝影師鍾亞庭以作品《傳承》獲得首獎,第二、三名分別由吳永森的《注視》與蔡之甯《無》拿下。

The Sony World Photography Awards, one of the most significant international photography competitions, has selected local talents across more than 60 countries and regions.

The winner of the National Award of the Taiwan region went to Ya-Ting Chung, followed by Wu Yung-sen and Tsai Chih-ning who took the second and third places, respectively.

獲獎者不僅能獲得專業攝影器材,作品也將於4月17日至5月4日在倫敦薩默塞特宮(Somerset House)展出。

The regional winners will receive the Sony digital imaging equipment while their works will be exhibited in the Somerset House in London, England from April 17 to May 4.


As a portrait photographer, Chung took a picture of a newly-wed indigenous couple, who wore their traditional costume for the occasion, in which he saw the tradition being passed down through generations, according to a press release provided by Sony Taiwan.

In response to the award, Chung said he felt honored and expressed hopes that Taiwan’s indigenous culture could be appreciated around the world through his photos.

鍾亞庭《傳承》- 2020 索尼世界攝影大獎 – 台灣區域國家獎 首獎作品 | © Ya-Ting Chung, National Award, Winner, Taiwan, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards (Courtesy of Sony)
鍾亞庭《傳承》- 2020 索尼世界攝影大獎 – 台灣區域國家獎 首獎作品 | © Ya-Ting Chung, National Award, Winner, Taiwan, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards (Courtesy of Sony)


Wu Yung-sen, who has been driven by his curiosity and passion of scuba diving, became a self-taught underwater photographer. Wu’s photo, named “Gaze” which captured the moment of sea lion preying on groups of sardines in Baja California, Mexico, won the second place of the national award of Taiwan region.

《注視》,攝影師:吳永森/台灣二獎。| © Yung-sen Wu, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards (Courtesy of Sony)
《注視》,攝影師:吳永森/台灣二獎。| © Yung-sen Wu, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards (Courtesy of Sony)


The third place went to Tsai Chih-ning’s abstract photo, “Non-being.” Tsai, 23 who majored in art and design, has developed an interest in photography since she was a college student. During her preparation for the graduation exhibition, Tsai had created this series of images on the themed of “hands.”

© 蔡之甯《無》- 2020 索尼世界攝影大獎 – 台灣區域國家獎 三獎作品 | Chih Ning Tsai, 2020 Sony World Photography Award (Courtesy of Sony)
© 蔡之甯《無》- 2020 索尼世界攝影大獎 – 台灣區域國家獎 三獎作品 | Chih Ning Tsai, 2020 Sony World Photography Award (Courtesy of Sony)


The last image of the series shows two hands that represent the yin and yang, a concept of dualism that depicts the meaning of the “impermanence.” Also, the yin and yang symbolize both the end and beginning in the picture.

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