出國請三思!蘇貞昌宣導標語「無代誌 莫出國」引話題

<p>行政院長蘇貞昌今(16)日於臉書專頁PO文,宣導民眾「無代誌 莫出國」| Premier Su Tseng-chang posted a campaign on Facebook on Monday, calling the public to avoid unnecessary travel abroad. (Courtesy of Facebook/Su Tseng-chang)</p>

行政院長蘇貞昌今(16)日於臉書專頁PO文,宣導民眾「無代誌 莫出國」| Premier Su Tseng-chang posted a campaign on Facebook on Monday, calling the public to avoid unnecessary travel abroad. (Courtesy of Facebook/Su Tseng-chang)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】有鑒於近期新增案例多為國外旅遊染疫,行政院長蘇貞昌今(16)日於臉書專頁PO文,宣導民眾「無代誌 莫出國」,3/17日起去第三級警告國家或地區進行非必要旅遊將被取消防疫補償金。

Premier Su Tseng-chang launched a Facebook campaign on Monday, calling on the public to avoid unnecessary travel abroad after eight imported cases were reported earlier that day.

Starting from March 17, travelers contracting COVID-19 from government-designated Level 3 areas won’t receive any compensations during their quarantine period, according to the campaign.


“Quarantined people and their caretakers will receive NT$1,000 (US$33.1) as compensation during their quarantine,” the text reads. In addition, Su expressed his appreciation for those who have cooperated with the government to contain the disease (COVID-19) and expressed hopes that the subsidy could compensate for any income losses.


Those who insist on traveling to government-designated Level 3 areas should not receive any subsidies, the premier said. “Please think twice before you go abroad,” the text concluded.


The post has received more than 1,200 comments and 1,600 shares.

3/17起 去第三級警告國家或地區進行非必要旅遊 #取消防疫補償金 為了補貼受 #武漢肺炎…

蘇貞昌发布于 2020年3月16日周一

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