勞動部推多語BNT須知 助新住民了解疫苗接種流程

<p>The Ministry of Labor released multi-lingual “BNT vaccine sheets” to help new migrants better understand the vaccine procedures. (Photo courtesy of the MOL and Shutterstock)</p>

The Ministry of Labor released multi-lingual “BNT vaccine sheets” to help new migrants better understand the vaccine procedures. (Photo courtesy of the MOL and Shutterstock)


With the arrival of 550,000 “customized” Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT) vaccines in Taiwan, more second-generation and local Taiwanese students alike awaiting their shots will be able to receive their first dose.


As the vaccine procedures vary depending on the different brands, however, the Ministry of Labor (MOL, 勞動部) has expressed worries that children of new immigrants may be unaware of the details regarding vaccination. With this observation in mind, the MOL released on Thursday various “BNT Vaccine Sheets” in Chinese, English, Indonesian, Thai, and Vietnamese.


The vaccine sheets include information such as how it should not be used interchangeably with other vaccines and not be administered while the recipient is suffering from a fever or other acute moderate-to-severe illnesses.


The document also lists some possible side effects after receiving your BNT vaccine, including pain or swelling at the injection spot, headaches, fatigue and possible fevers.


Attached at the bottom of the file is also a consent form for parents to help their children fill out, saying they have understood all relevant information on the BioNTech vaccine and agree to their child being administered the jab.


The arrival of the first batch of customized BNT vaccines with proper traditional Chinese characters on the packaging is sure to bring relief on school grounds as it is reported 300,000 shots are still needed.


To this, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC, 中央流行疫情指揮中心) remarked at a routine press conference on Thursday that it is estimated around 160,000 young adults are still waiting for the vaccines.


The new batch of BNT shots will be prioritized for the ninth priority groups and teenagers and young adults between 12 to 22 years of age, the CECC said. Authorities added that they are planning to administer the vaccines to citizens aged 49 and above later on.

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