另類毛小孩選集紅遍全球 靈感竟來自「這」經典美劇

<p>A series of Gethings’ portraits. (Photo courtesy of @gezgethings/Instagram)</p>

A series of Gethings’ portraits. (Photo courtesy of @gezgethings/Instagram)

【看CP學英文】雖然大部分的人都知道人生與藝術有時會意外的雷同,然而有時動物和人類的相似度更是爆表,人與動物的相似神貌因此成為倫敦攝影師Gerrard Gethings的靈感來源。

While most people agree that “life imitates art,” some argue that animals have eerily similar features to humans that create uncanny portraits, as proven by London-based photographer Gerrard Gethings.


Known for his photography featuring a person and dog that resemble each other, side by side, Gethings’ newest project involved matching faces with cats, as he was recently when he saw a cat that looked like “Friends” actor, David Schwimmer.

Gethings is known for capturing canine and human look-alike portraits. (Photo courtesy of @gezgethings/Instagram)
Gethings is known for capturing canine and human look-alike portraits. (Photo courtesy of @gezgethings/Instagram)


According to an interview with foreign media, Gethings revealed that cats portraits came first, and based on each animal’s fur markings, a certain pose, or its resemblance to a celebrity, he would seek out the corresponding human counterparts.


Ahead of the release of his new book, Gethings told foreign media that he usually asked for human models through social media such as Instagram, where most people are very willing to be photographed for the project.

One of Gethings’ previous works matched a dog with a child. (Photo courtesy of @gezgethings/Instagram)
One of Gethings’ previous works matched a dog with a child. (Photo courtesy of @gezgethings/Instagram)


However, as cats are more temperamental than dogs, Gethings had to go to the owners’ home to capture his shot.


In an interview with foreign media, Gethings said that sometimes the shoot would take forever, as the cats wouldn’t sit still or in the correct seat, while other times he had to go away empty-handed as the cat refused to cooperate, even with incentives present.

Photo courtesy of @gezgethings/Instagram
Photo courtesy of @gezgethings/Instagram


Ultimately, Gethings finished his project and his book “Do You Look Like Your Cat” was released on Monday, Oct. 12.

Check Gerrad Gethings’ Instagram and Website for more information.

“Do You Look Like Your Cat? A Matching Game” by Gerrard Gethings/@gezgethings and Debora Robertson, laurenceking.com