台灣入WHA被推遲討論 美國務院再批譚德塞:缺乏獨立性

<p>▲世界衛生大會( WHA )本月 18 日召開。圖為 2018 年開議資料照。| The picture shows the World Health Assembly (WHA) in 2018.(圖/美聯社/達志影像|AP)</p>

▲世界衛生大會( WHA )本月 18 日召開。圖為 2018 年開議資料照。| The picture shows the World Health Assembly (WHA) in 2018.(圖/美聯社/達志影像|AP)

【看CP學英文】世界衛生大會( WHA ) 18 日於瑞士日內瓦正式開議,今年適逢新冠肺炎肆虐全球,如何防範也成為此次會議的焦點之一,惟台灣最終仍未受邀,大會還推遲有關台灣是否加入的討論。對此美國國務院官方和國務卿蓬佩奧( Mike Pompeo ) ,18 日接連於推特上稱讚、聲援台灣,並批評世衛排除台灣是為取悅北京 。

Representatives of the United Nation’s 194 member states attended the World Health Assembly (WHA) on Monday in Geneva, Switzerland and shared their experience in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.

Contrary to all expectations, Taiwan was excluded from the meeting during which discussions about Taiwan’s participation were postponed.

In response to the video conference, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo praised and expressed support for Taiwan in a tweet on Monday and criticized the WHO for excluding Taiwan to please Beijing.

綜合外媒報導,蓬佩奧於聲明中表示,世衛秘書長譚德塞擁有一切法律權力將台灣納入會議,卻選擇屈服於中國的壓力,拒絕邀請台灣,認為譚德塞「缺乏獨立性」,因而剝奪了 WHA 汲取台灣專業科學知識與經驗的機會,並在世界最需要的時候,進一步損害了世衛組織的信譽和效力。

According to various sources, the statement issued by Pompeo reads that “WHO’s Director-General Tedros had every legal power and precedent to include Taiwan in the WHA’s proceedings.”

“Yet, he instead chose not to invite Taiwan under pressure from the People’s Republic of China (PRC),” the US secretary said.

The Director-General’s lack of independence deprives the Assembly of Taiwan’s renowned scientific expertise on the pandemic, and further damages the WHO’s credibility and effectiveness at a time when the world needs it the most, Pompeo said in the statement.


“The PRC’s spiteful action to silence Taiwan exposes the emptiness of its claims to want transparency and international cooperation to fight the pandemic, and makes the difference between China and Taiwan ever starker,” he said.

Taiwan is a model world citizen, while the PRC continues to withhold vital information about the virus and its origins, deny access to their scientists and relevant facilities, censor discussion of the pandemic within China and on Chinese social media properties, and casts blame widely and recklessly.

除了蓬佩奧,美國國務院也於 18 日發布影片,指出面對新冠肺炎疫情,支持台灣參與的聲音愈來愈多。

In addition to the Secretary of State, the United States Department of State released a video on Monday, showing that there have been growing calls for Taiwan to attend the upcoming WHA meeting in the face of coronavirus pandemic.

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