台灣美女補眠賺進上千元 直播睡覺意外吸引上萬粉絲

<p>A livestream influencer was shocked to realize she had gained followers after accidentally falling asleep. (Photos courtesy  of Twitch)</p>

A livestream influencer was shocked to realize she had gained followers after accidentally falling asleep. (Photos courtesy of Twitch)


A Taiwan influencer went viral online on Wednesday night after she accidentally fell asleep with her camera on, earning around NT$2,000 in just one night.


According to local Chinese-language media, the woman who goes by the name ET (王依渟) on her channel, is a past member of Malaysian girl group AMOi-AMOi.

The influencer who goes by the name ET (王依渟) on her channel, is a past member of Malaysian girl group AMOi-AMOi. (Photos courtesy of @et.1231/Instagram)
The influencer who goes by the name ET (王依渟) on her channel, is a past member of Malaysian girl group AMOi-AMOi. (Photos courtesy of @et.1231/Instagram)


She recently ventured into the livestream world on Twitch and made a name for herself by being frank about her various cosmetic surgery, leading social media users to brand her “real.” She has gained her fair amount of followers online.


However, she has topped her previous efforts in just one night by falling asleep, and was left astounded when she awoke to discover around 11,000 Twitch users were watching her sleep.


She questioned whether the head count was “reasonable” and attracted the envy of many for finding a way to earn money by getting in some shut-eye.

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