「國籍是可以選擇的,應自己承擔後果」 陳時中撤回陸配子女入境政策

<p>Chen Shih-chung reacts at the press conference on Feb. 12, 2020. (YouTube)</p>

Chen Shih-chung reacts at the press conference on Feb. 12, 2020. (YouTube)


The Central Epidemic Command Center officially retracted on Wednesday a policy drawn up by the Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) a day earlier that would have allowed the mainland spouses and children of Taiwan nationals to return home amid the ongoing virus outbreak.


Speaking at a daily news briefing, CECC Chief Commander Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) said mainland spouses and their children in China, Hong Kong, and Macau, who don’t hold a Taiwan passport may not re-enter the country. The CECC made the announcement in consideration of three factors: the virus’ development, professionals’ assessment and the lowering of contacts within the infected areas, he explained.


Chen said that Taiwan citizens are the priority while stressing that the process of vetting, monitoring and checking travelers’ health are all “linked.”

If society doesn’t take preventive measures, he went on, the quarantine workers will become insufficient, medical staff will become even more burdened and hospitals will become even more crowded, he continued.


After much deliberation, the CECC said that it aims to prevent a loophole in its efforts of epidemic prevention.


Chen also pointed out that mainland spouses can choose their nationality, and have to accept the consequences of the choices they make.


The commander said that during the deliberation process, they did take into consideration the human aspect of the problem. However, after looking at Taiwan’s current situation and anticipation of what might come, they reached the present decision.

今日撤回的政策為陸委會昨因應武漢肺炎,宣布自12日起,持社會考量專案長期居留證、長期探親證的國人或中國籍配偶的子女,基於家庭團聚及人道考量,准予入境,入境後須居家檢疫 14 天。

The retracted policy was one drawn up by the MAC on Tuesday in which minor children of Taiwanese nationals or their Chinese spouses, who hold either long-term residence permits or long-term family visit permits in Taiwan, will be allowed to enter Taiwan but need to be quarantined for 14 days.

反觀韓國今(12)日已經派出第三架飛機,將140多位韓國人以及其陸配家人載回國,其中60人是持有中國國籍身分的親屬,且機上5人有疑似武漢肺炎症狀 。

Yet, today’s announcement contrasts with South Korea whose third evacuation flight from Wuhan took off this morning carrying 140 or so of its citizens and 60 plus Chinese spouses and family members on board, with five of them showing symptoms of the coronavirus.


In taking into account the same factors, the Korean government has evacuated all Chinese family members of its citizens.

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