外國記者全英文提問!手語老師「神反應」 台人一看傻了

<p>Chief Commander Chen Shih-chung with the sign-language interpreter at a press conference on March 12, 2020 (NOWnews)</p>

Chief Commander Chen Shih-chung with the sign-language interpreter at a press conference on March 12, 2020 (NOWnews)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】中央流行疫情指揮中心於今( 12 )日召開例行記者會,其宣布國內今天也新增第 49 例,為境外移入確診個案。對此,該記者會上也有外媒向指揮中心提問「台灣防疫成功的關鍵原因」。但外媒記者提問時以全英文方式時,後方手語老師的神應對,也在網路上引起一陣討論。

During a routine press conference hosted by the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) on Thursday, a BBC reporter asked the chief commander to describe the reasons behind Taiwan’s successful prevention efforts.

The question was asked in English though, meaning that the sign-language interpreter was put to test on the spot.

該名BBC 記者也向官員們表達問題,但其以全英文的方式提問「台灣離中國這麼近,但卻只有 49 例確診,為什麼台灣防疫可以這麼成功?」、「歐洲的疫情狀況已經難以控制,請問我們能從台灣經驗學到什麼?」以及關於武漢包機回台等問題。

“How did Taiwan manage to contain the virus with only 49 confirmed cases being so close to China?” she said before asking what lessons others can learn from Taiwan now that the virus has spread to European countries.


While the reporter spoke, panel members quickly wrote down the questions, but what drew more attention was the speedy translation given from the sign-language interpreter standing in the back.


The interpreter was lauded online, with many commending his English proficiency and professing their admiration for his professional attitude.

The live-stream event saw comments from viewers lauding the professional’s English proficiency (NOWnews)
The live-stream event saw comments from viewers lauding the professional’s English proficiency (NOWnews)

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