
<p>(圖/取自星宇航空官方臉書|Photo courtesy of Starlux Airlines’ Facebook Page)</p>

(圖/取自星宇航空官方臉書|Photo courtesy of Starlux Airlines’ Facebook Page)


Taiwan’s luxury international carrier, Starlux Airlines, launched two exclusive flights on Saturday to enable couples to celebrate Qixi Valentine’s Day in the air. Due to its popularity, however, Starlux Airlines decided to add a bonus flight on Aug. 25.


Responding to the prior success of its “sightseeing flights to nowhere,” Starlux planned for the special holiday flights, departing at 11 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. respectively, to fly outside of Taiwanese airspace before returning to Taipei.


Because Starlux is known for offering top-notch service, many Taiwanese were extremely excited by the opportunity and quickly booked their tickets. Even with the added number of seats available, all available tickets on both flights were completely sold out within 5 minutes.


Passengers who were lucky enough to grab a seat on the noon flight took in stunning views of the Taiwanese coastline and the Pratas Islands, while those on the afternoon flight enjoyed a romantic sunset that they are unlikely to forget.


One of the lucky fans of Starlux Airlines surnamed Lin, even took the opportunity to fly on both flights taking place on the same day, stating his appreciation for the warm service by Starlux ground staff.


Disappointed passengers who weren’t able to get a seat on either of these flights will have yet another opportunity to fly with Starlux on Tuesday, as the airline is adding an additional flight on the day of the Qixi Festival on Aug. 25.


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