失業後只靠這台灣美食度過 美國工程師曝驚人結果

【看CP學英文】麥克從2013年來台後,曾當過專業DJ後來到宏碁上班,累積了豐富工作經驗,爾後為了挑戰自己,他選擇加入了台北一家小型品牌行銷公司,卻在疫情爆發後突遭解僱,手足無措的他第一時間只想到應該要省錢,於是找到了共度難關的好友—「 台灣滷肉飯」。

Michael has accepted jobs ranging from working as a professional DJ to working for Acer since he arrived in Taiwan in 2013. Wanting to challenge himself more, Michael decided to leave his job and work with a start-up Taiwanese branding agency in Taipei.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, however, Michael suddenly found himself without a job. To save money, he turned to something that would help him get through these tough times — Taiwanese braised pork on rice.


To him, braised pork on rice is not only cheap but fulfilling. While a rice ball at 7-Eleven costs NT$25, a small bowl of braised pork on rice is just NT$5 more but with more meat, rice, and veggies.


To treat himself on weekends, the ever-frugal Michael will get steamed vegetables to go with his rice to create a more balanced diet. Soon after, when buying his everyday meal, the owner suddenly asked Michael: As opposed to asking people for a job, why not just create one yourself?


The wake-up call led Michael to establish his own business setting up English websites for Taiwanese companies to help them reach a wider audience abroad.

In addition, Michael also built a travel social media platform for backpackers to ask about and share fun destinations to visit in Taiwan.

不要鬧粉絲團: https://goo.gl/YGbHmr

請訂閱不要鬧: https://goo.gl/5Yx5cE

訂閱第二頻道: https://goo.gl/KZ1QU1

Michael 網站: https://www.karmacamel.com

Michael 網站: https://www.journeyfoxx.com

Michael IG: https://bit.ly/3gajT3d

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