媲美東京巨蛋主場館! 台日團隊聯手打造「最美場館」就在這

<p>Taichung Arena (Courtesy of Facebook/九典聯合建築師事務所 Bio-Architecture Formosana)</p>

Taichung Arena (Courtesy of Facebook/九典聯合建築師事務所 Bio-Architecture Formosana)

【看CP學英文】台中市民期待已久的「台中巨蛋」,第二階段評選揭曉,日本知名建築師隈研吾(KENGO KUMA)建築都市設計事務所與台灣的九典聯合建築師事務所獲選,成為優勝廠商,未來將為台中打造國際級、專業及多功能的「巨蛋體育場館」,讓台中巨蛋成為世界建築的新地標。

The architectural design of Taichung Arena proposed by Japanese architect Kengo Kuma & Associates and Taiwan’s local firm Bio-Architecture Formosana won the second stage of the bid project, the Taiwanese building firm announced Tuesday.

The two companies will work on building a world-class and multi-functional Taichung Arena, making it a new architectural landmark in Taiwan.

知名建築師隈研吾曾設計設計2020東京巨蛋主場館、法國馬賽當代藝術博物館(FRAC Marseille)。

Renowned Japanese architect Kengo Kuma has designed the new Japan National Stadium for the 2020 Summer Olympics and the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Marseille (FRAC Marseille).

台中巨蛋模擬空拍圖|Taichung Arena (Courtesy of Facebook/九典聯合建築師事務所 Bio-Architecture Formosana)
台中巨蛋模擬空拍圖|Taichung Arena (Courtesy of Facebook/九典聯合建築師事務所 Bio-Architecture Formosana)


The Taichung Arena in Beitun district is located near the Shuinan Economic and Commercial Zone, Central Taiwan Science Park and the Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium. The area will be an important economic driver for Taichung City in the future.


The team’s architectural plan is based on the theme of “sky corridor, sports park, world landmark and civic paradise”, which symbolizes the blending of Taichung Arena with its environment.

台中巨蛋佔地6.9公頃|Taichung Arena will cover 6.9 hectares of land. (Courtesy of Facebook/九典聯合建築師事務所 Bio-Architecture Formosana)
台中巨蛋佔地6.9公頃|Taichung Arena will cover 6.9 hectares of land. (Courtesy of Facebook/九典聯合建築師事務所 Bio-Architecture Formosana)

根據九典聯合建築師事務所網站,建築立面造型靈感來自臺中大甲地區的藺草編織文化(Dajia Rush Straw Crafts) ,連接了内外的空間,使環境與建築融合。

The façade is inspired by the Dajia Rush Straw Crafts in the coastal suburban district in Taichung. The use of straw crafts connects the interior and exterior spaces, and integrates the environment with the architecture, according to Bio-Architecture Formosana.

台中巨蛋|Taichung Arena (Courtesy of Facebook/九典聯合建築師事務所 Bio-Architecture Formosana)
台中巨蛋|Taichung Arena (Courtesy of Facebook/九典聯合建築師事務所 Bio-Architecture Formosana)


According to Chinese-language media, the Taichung Arena, covers 6.9 hectares, has a total cost of NT$6.5 billion (US$ 220 million) and can accommodate more than 15,000 spectators, with preliminary plans to host basketball, volleyball, badminton, tennis, soccer and other sporting events as well as concerts.

The construction of the Taichung Arena is expected to begin in 2022 and the arena will officially open in 2026.

館內可容納逾1.5萬的觀眾|Taichung Arena can accommodate more than 15,000 spectators. (Courtesy of Facebook/九典聯合建築師事務所 Bio-Architecture Formosana)
館內可容納逾1.5萬的觀眾|Taichung Arena can accommodate more than 15,000 spectators. (Courtesy of Facebook/九典聯合建築師事務所 Bio-Architecture Formosana)
場館未來將作為演唱會場地|Taichung Arena will be used for concerts in the future. (Courtesy of Facebook/九典聯合建築師事務所 Bio-Architecture Formosana)
場館未來將作為演唱會場地|Taichung Arena will be used for concerts in the future. (Courtesy of Facebook/九典聯合建築師事務所 Bio-Architecture Formosana)

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