小學生打造「懷舊」遊戲機 高度仿真經典手遊引網共鳴

<p>A creative child in Japan managed to make a rudimentary Mario game boy from a cardboard box and his own drawings. (Photos courtesy of @twinkeepingat1/Twitter)</p>

A creative child in Japan managed to make a rudimentary Mario game boy from a cardboard box and his own drawings. (Photos courtesy of @twinkeepingat1/Twitter)

【看CP學英文】任天堂過去推出的掌機Game Boy曾經陪伴無數人的童年,甚至有人在長大後花了大把銀子買不同款式的遊戲機,只為了再次重溫舊時的快樂時光。

Nintendo’s handheld classic Game Boy is part of countless people’s childhood memories, and some even grow up to spend a great deal just to buy various types of games for the sake of reminiscing.

日本網友やん(yan)時常在Twitter上與眾人分享自己的家庭生活,其中引人注目的是,他的雙胞胎兒子們很喜歡自己DIY各式各樣的玩具,近日他就在Twitter貼文表示,自己的其中一個兒子A竟然自製了舊款式Game Boy,讓他感到非常驚喜。

A Japanese social media user, nicknamed Yan, often shares his family life on Twitter. One thing that makes his content different is his twin sons’ passion for DIY toys.

He recently posted a video of one of his sons playing on a handmade Game Boy, surprising even himself.


In the video, the son cut out a cardboard box cut into the size of a game boy, and the first level of the game screen for “Mario” was actually drawn by himself.

This is coupled with his own design for the background of the game. By scrolling the stationary images to the side and controlling his homemade avatar, it appears exactly like the Mario game of the old days, leading Yan to exclaim ” this is too spectacular!”


The post immediately resonated with Japanese social media users with some saying “I have one at home, but yours seems to be more fun.”

Others praised the child for his deftness at recreating the classic game many commented that they would happily buy the game should it go on the market.

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