

Paint pouring involves just a few tools: pigments, a canvas, water, silicone, a hot air gun, funnels, and some creative inspiration.


After preparing the pigments of your choice, the most stress relieving moment begins: pouring paint onto the canvas!


Different patterns can then be created based on how you rotate or place the canvas. A tool such as a funnel may also come in handy to generate different effects.


The secret ingredient to customizing your artwork is a few drops of water and silicone. This creates cell-like patterns across the canvas that forms after being heated with a hot air gun.


Too often, “art” is limited to dots and lines, brushstrokes and sketches. Pour painting breaks these barriers by shifting the focus away from drawing, precision, and deliberation.

With a good combination of colors, tools, and some lighthearted fun, your work can be just as captivating!


Crafting artisanship is about embracing the creative flow of your artwork. The unpredictable outcome of each paint pouring piece is where the joy lies!

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