影/夾不到竟用偷的! 三名外籍模特兒竊取娃娃惹議


Three foreigners were caught on camera on June 28, emptying a claw machine by force at a shop located in Yonghe District, New Taipei City.


The trio surrounded the claw machine with one lying on the floor and sticking his arm into it and the others shaking and tilting it to successfully extricate items.


They continued until after they all obtained a prize.


According to local police, the three foreigners arrived in Taiwan in May to work in a model agency. Lucas and Fernando, both 22, are from Brazil, while the woman in the video is from Ukraine. The stolen items were returned to the shop.


However, the owner of the claw machine claimed that he also lost nearly NT$2,000 from the actions of the foreign trio.

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