
俗話說:「勇敢築夢從不嫌晚」,這句話對來自日本的83歲老太太Fumie Takino而言,再真實不過。她在幾年前放棄了不美滿的婚姻生活,踏上追尋夢想的旅程,用餘生活出自我。

Some people say that “if there are things you wanted to try, but didn’t when you were younger, it’s never too late to start”.

For 83-year-old Japanese grandma Fumie Takino, it couldn’t have been more true when she ended her unhappy marriage several years ago and embarked on a new journey in search of her own dream, dedicating the rest of her life to her own way.

將Fumie Takino從乏味的生活中的喚醒的契機,來自於父親的逝世。聽見父親在臨終前以「浪費」形容自己的晚年,讓她從自己不美滿的婚姻、以孩子為核心無私奉獻的生活中覺醒。

Deeply affected by the passing of her father, who called his final days a “waste,” Takino was awakened from her unhappy marriage and unfulfilling life “sacrificed for her children”.

再53歲那年,她毅然結束這場婚姻,遠赴美國學習老年病學,並在1996年創立「Japan Pom Pom」啦啦隊舞蹈班,透過跳舞為生活增添樂趣,也邀請其他中老年婦女加入,幫助她們找到對生活的熱情。她表示,她期許自己有一天能夠滿意的對自己說:「我很高興活過這一場」。

At 53, she decided to leave her husband and travel to the U.S. to study gerontology.

In 1996, she founded Japan Pom Pom, a cheerleading group, making her life more joyful through dancing as well as helping other women her age to regain their passion for life.

At the end of the day, she wanted to say to herself, “I was happy to be born”.


A decade later, she could be found dancing energetically in “shamelessly flamboyant costumes” with women who are 55 years and older.

Since founding Japan Pom Pom in 1996, she has not stopped dancing or having fun parties with her fellow cheerleaders.

「很多老年人並不接受我們,甚至覺得我們穿著短裙跳舞是不知羞恥、不得體的」Fumie Takino說道。不過,這並沒有澆熄她的熱情,也沒有阻止她勇往直前、持續打破對老年婦女的刻板印象與框框架架,她仍舊透過舞蹈團為其他婦女的晚年增添色彩。

“Many seniors do not accept us because they find it shameless and indecent that old women wear short costumes and dance on the stage,” Takino said.

This has not stopped her from breaking stereotypes of older Japanese women or bringing more color into the lives of other older women.

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