影/老外還原台灣防疫日常 超安全一日行程令人慶幸在台灣


Hailing from Canada, Victor came to Taiwan before the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak to be with his girlfriend, Grace, and he eventually decided to stay.

Through his lens, Victor documented a day in Taiwan, showing the little things we take for granted every day, like going out, taking public transportation systems, going to book fairs or dining out.

All of the above have since been banned for the time being in many countries, and as life in Taiwan remains comparatively normal, Victor showcases through his videos, Taiwan’s virus-prevention measures and the people’s cooperation.

Victor和Grace拍攝台北街頭的日常。| Victor and Grace filmed Taipei’s streets during the pandemic(圖/翻攝自影片| Screenshot from YouTube)
Victor和Grace拍攝台北街頭的日常。| Victor and Grace filmed Taipei’s streets during the pandemic(圖/翻攝自影片| Screenshot from YouTube)


In the first part of his video, Victor showed their daily routines in the morning and filmed how everyone wears a face mask in Taiwan when taking the bus or MRT.

Victor remarked that although there was an initial shortage of face masks in Taiwan, the government quickly increased production and regulated the prices of face masks to enable access to all citizens.

In buildings, restaurants, and any other establishments, disinfecting alcohol is provided to all visitors and customers.

The government also implemented a 14-day mandatory quarantine for people returning from abroad. The government has also implemented a phone tracking system to keep tabs on people under quarantine.

“Our everyday lives are close to normal, and we are so fortunate to be here,” he said.

來自加拿大的Victor在疫情爆發前,來台灣找女友Grace,並且決定和女友一同留在台灣。|Hailing from Canada, Victor came to Taiwan before the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak to be with his girlfriend, Grace, and decided to stay.(圖/翻攝自影片|Screenshot from YouTube)
來自加拿大的Victor在疫情爆發前,來台灣找女友Grace,並且決定和女友一同留在台灣。|Hailing from Canada, Victor came to Taiwan before the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak to be with his girlfriend, Grace, and decided to stay.(圖/翻攝自影片|Screenshot from YouTube)


A clear narrative voice combined with everyday scenes from Taiwan invokes a sense of melancholy for those watching as all these images are made possible by the hard work of the frontline medical staff and all cooperative Taiwanese citizens.

Let’s look through the lens of a foreign friend to see Taiwan in a new light.

台北捷運畫面|Inside Taipei MRT station(圖/翻攝自影片 | Screenshot from YouTube)
台北捷運畫面|Inside Taipei MRT station(圖/翻攝自影片 | Screenshot from YouTube)

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