影/遭質疑去看豬農「說假話」 蔣萬安貼影片自清


KMT legislator Chiang Wan-an (蔣萬安) challenged Premier Su Tseng-chang (蘇貞昌) during a question-and-answer session at the Legislative Yuan (Parliament) on Tuesday on imports of U.S pork containing ractopamine.

Chiang shared the feedbacks from Pingtung pig farmers, who expressed their concerns about the impact of U.S pork imports on the local pork industry.


Instead of responding to the public’s concern, Premier Su suddenly asked Chiang “which pig farm did you go to?”

Chiang went silent for a while after being caught off guard by the counter-question, giving ruling DPP legislators a chance to doubt that Chiang actually visited those pig farmers.

To counter the suspicion, Chiang later posted a video of him visiting the farmers on Facebook to prove that he was telling the truth.


The video was shot before KMT’s protest opposing U.S pork imports, aiming to call on the public to join the fight. Chiang wore a protective suit in the video when he was in the pig farms, not because he was afraid of getting dirty, but because he didn’t want to “spread germs from the human body to pigs”.

Though the released video was less than a minute long, it was enough to prove that Chiang did actually go to Pingtung to visit the farmers.


As for why he insists on keeping the names of the pig farms secret, he explained that it was to protect them from being picked on by people with devious intentions or the government, just like what happened to the “Royal Beef Noodle Restaurant” (皇家傳承牛肉麵) not long ago.

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