恭喜!明道低調登記結婚 曬兒子腳ㄚ照證實當爸

<p>明道作風低調。| Taiwanese actor-model Ming Dao has always kept his relationship low key.(圖 / 翻攝明道微博|Courtesy of Weibo/Ming Dao)</p>

明道作風低調。| Taiwanese actor-model Ming Dao has always kept his relationship low key.(圖 / 翻攝明道微博|Courtesy of Weibo/Ming Dao)


Taiwanese actor-model Ming Dao, posted to Weibo on Wednesday an image of his baby’s feet, saying that he has become a father.


The 40-year-old actor has shifted his career to China in recent years. According to Chinese media, he has been dating Wang Ting-xuan, a member of girl band KISS since 2016.

Yet, he has never made their relationship public.

明道作風低調。| Taiwanese actor-model Ming Dao has always kept his relationship low key.(圖 / 翻攝明道微博|Courtesy of Weibo/Ming Dao)
明道作風低調。| Taiwanese actor-model Ming Dao has always kept his relationship low key.(圖 / 翻攝明道微博|Courtesy of Weibo/Ming Dao)

中午他在微博上公開自己當爸的消息,「你們曾經關心的那個男孩,終於升级成了男孩+ 。謝謝大家關心」,透露寶寶是兒子,粉絲也紛紛送上祝福。

Dao said: “The boy you used to care about has finally become a boy+. Thank you all for your concern,” unveiling that he has a son.

藝人明道今(10)日中午在微博PO出嬰兒的腳丫照,證實自己當爸了,投下演藝圈震撼彈。| Taiwanese actor-model Ming Dao, posted to Weibo on Wednesday with an image of his baby’s feet, saying that he has become a father. (Courtesy of Weibo/Ming Dao)
藝人明道今(10)日中午在微博PO出嬰兒的腳丫照,證實自己當爸了,投下演藝圈震撼彈。| Taiwanese actor-model Ming Dao, posted to Weibo on Wednesday with an image of his baby’s feet, saying that he has become a father. (Courtesy of Weibo/Ming Dao)


A few days ago, Ming Dao was photographed on a trip to the countryside with Wang and her elders, holding a child in his arms and kissing her fiercely.


It is reported that Ming Dao registered his marriage with Wang last year as he kept his relationship very low key.

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