
<p>安德森庫柏與前男友班傑明(左)參加2015年第14屆艾爾頓強抗愛滋基金會。|Benjamin Maisani, left, and Anderson Cooper, attend the Elton John AIDS Foundationís 14th Annual “An Enduring Vision” Benefit at Cipriani Wall Street on Monday, Nov. 2, 2015, in New York. (Photo by Andy Kropa/Invision/AP)</p>

安德森庫柏與前男友班傑明(左)參加2015年第14屆艾爾頓強抗愛滋基金會。|Benjamin Maisani, left, and Anderson Cooper, attend the Elton John AIDS Foundationís 14th Annual “An Enduring Vision” Benefit at Cipriani Wall Street on Monday, Nov. 2, 2015, in New York. (Photo by Andy Kropa/Invision/AP)

【看CP學英文】台灣去年5月24日通過同志婚姻專法,今年即將歡慶一週年,在此同時,美國CNN知名同志主播安德森庫柏也在月初宣布自己已為人父的消息,讓粉絲感到既震撼又開心,今(13)日更透露他將與前男友(Benjamin Maisani)共同扶養領養的寶貝兒子,共組家庭。

As the anniversary of the legalization of same-sex marriage in Taiwan approaches, the story of CNN news anchor Anderson Cooper’s son has given hope to those advocating for adoption rights by gay couples. Cooper announced earlier this month that he would be a new dad to an adopted son and would be raising the child with his former partner, Benjamin Maisani.

庫柏上美國節目《霍華史登秀》受訪時透露他與交往10年的前男友Maisani仍是好朋友,並希望他能一同扶養小孩懷亞特(Wyatt Morgan

The openly gay CNN host told Howard Stern on SiriusXM’s The Howard Stern Show that he has decided to co-parent his new son, Wyatt Morgan, with ex-boyfriend Benjamin Maisani, with whom he dated for a decade.


“Don’t you want a clean break from this guy? I mean this was a guy, you were in love, you had a close relationship, why have him involved?” Stern asked.


“I don’t really have a family, so my friends have become my family. This is somebody I was involved with for 10 years,” Cooper answered.

“He’s a great guy,” Cooper said of Maisani.


“I think it’s good to have two parents if you can. If more people love my son and are in his life, I’m all for that.”


The CNN host’s decision opened more discussion space for regulations surrounding adoption for same-sex couples in Taiwan.


According to statistics from the Ministry of the Interior, there were 2,939 same-sex marriages as of February 2020.

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