新冠肺炎讓美國人措手不及 失業、買不到口罩、超市搶購


Hailey, an American YouTuber who had stayed in Taiwan for learning Chinese, shared a video March 21 that shows the situation in the U.S. amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

Hailey and her husband Adam also canceled their trip to Taiwan scheduled in May and expressed their disappointment in the video.


Taiwan has barred the non-nationals from entry since March 19, so Hailey and Adam said they want to avoid spreading the virus in Taiwan. The couple, who loves Taiwan so much, said that their trip to Taiwan was their goal and expressed appreciation to Taiwan’s efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Meanwhile, the couple called on everyone to stay home to protect others and society.

另外,Hailey也提到,上一支影片拍攝美國人湧入超市,導致衛生紙、民生用品等缺貨狀況,許多網友反應為什麼美國人不戴口罩。Hailey解釋道,第一,因為文化,且美國疾管中心說健康的人不用戴口罩 ; 第二,在美國,我們根本買不到口罩,希望大家能理解這點。

In response to the netizens’ comments on why they weren’t wearing face masks in the supermarket, Hailey said it’s because of culture. The U.S. CDC said that healthy people shouldn’t wear face masks. The other reason is that they can’t buy any, Adam said. The couple expressed hopes that the viewers could understand that.


Hailey said many Americans lost their jobs because of the crisis. One day, Adam’s s little brother texted Adam, saying that his friend all of a sudden lost his job. “Some government officials have even said that the U.S. employment rate could be as high as 20%,” Adam said.


Besides, to prevent the spread of the virus, the U.S. government advised the public to avoid groups of more than 10 people.


The couple concluded, “remember to seek joy amidst trail!” and everyone stays home and stay healthy.

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