新聞美語即時通 pinch 受壓,受困

今天我們要學的詞是 pinch. Pinch is spelled P-I-N-C-H, pinch.

pinch 作為動詞的意思是捏,掐掉。作為名詞是指受壓,受困。India’s rural areas are feeling the pinch as the country’s once booming automobile sector struggles with its worst downturn in two decades as an estimated 350,000 workers lose their jobs. 印度一度蓬勃發展的汽車行業正面臨二十年來最嚴重的低迷,導致大約35萬名工人失業,印度農村地區也深受其害。

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government cut its 2020 growth forecast as Europe’s biggest economy expects to feel the pinch from waning global demand, Brexit and lingering trade disputes. 德國總理默克爾的政府下調了2020年的增長預期,這個歐洲最大的經濟體預計將受到全球需求下降、英國脫歐以及揮之不去的貿易爭端帶來的壓力。

好的,我們今天學習的詞是 pinch, pinch, pinch ....#3445
