
<p>新莊耶誕燈節 |Xinzhuang Christmas Lights Festival (Courtesy of 鄭雅之/Taipei Walker)</p>

新莊耶誕燈節 |Xinzhuang Christmas Lights Festival (Courtesy of 鄭雅之/Taipei Walker)

【看CP學英文】Taipei Walker報導,耶誕節即將來臨,新莊串連中港大排、願景公園、凹灣碼頭和宏匯廣場,推出期間限定的「新莊耶誕燈節」,超浪漫藝術海造景讓你將從即日起一路免費拍到明年01/03。

While Christmas is approaching, some light installations have lightened up the central area of Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City. The lights will run until Jan. 3, 2021.


Together with Honhui Plaza, the New Taipei City Water Resources Department has installed several lighting decorations at the Honhui plaza, from Zhongyuan Road to the Zhong-gang river corridor.

宏匯廣場和新北市府水利局共同合作,將中港河廊的耶誕燈節延伸到廣場中,中原路至願景館河廊,整條路線都有浪漫的耶誕燈裝飾。| The New Taipei City Water Resources Department has installed several lighting decorations at the Honhui plaza, from Zhongyuan Rd to the Zhong-gang river corridor.(Courtesy of 鄭雅之/Taipei Walker)
宏匯廣場和新北市府水利局共同合作,將中港河廊的耶誕燈節延伸到廣場中,中原路至願景館河廊,整條路線都有浪漫的耶誕燈裝飾。| The New Taipei City Water Resources Department has installed several lighting decorations at the Honhui plaza, from Zhongyuan Rd to the Zhong-gang river corridor.(Courtesy of 鄭雅之/Taipei Walker)


At Au Wan Pier in the Fuduxin area, the light installation features a 50-meter-wide “Ice and Snow Waterfall,” with its LED dazzling light reflecting on the river.

而在凹灣碼頭打造寬50公尺的「冰雪燈瀑」,蔚藍色的燈海瀑布倒映在堤邊,是視覺感滿分的裝置藝術。| At Au Wan Pier in the Fuduxin area, features the 50-meter-wide “Ice and Snow Waterfall,” with its LED dazzling light reflecting on the river.(Courtesy of 鄭雅之/Taipei Walker)
而在凹灣碼頭打造寬50公尺的「冰雪燈瀑」,蔚藍色的燈海瀑布倒映在堤邊,是視覺感滿分的裝置藝術。| At Au Wan Pier in the Fuduxin area, features the 50-meter-wide “Ice and Snow Waterfall,” with its LED dazzling light reflecting on the river.(Courtesy of 鄭雅之/Taipei Walker)
新莊耶誕燈節 |Xinzhuang Christmas Lights Festival (Courtesy of 鄭雅之/Taipei Walker)
新莊耶誕燈節 |Xinzhuang Christmas Lights Festival (Courtesy of 鄭雅之/Taipei Walker)


On the other side, the “Vision Park” boasts a light installation that resembles a “tunnel of the starry sky,” where you can take beautiful photos of the peach trees during the day and pink and purple lights at night.

新莊耶誕燈節 |Xinzhuang Christmas Lights Festival (Courtesy of 鄭雅之/Taipei Walker)
新莊耶誕燈節 |Xinzhuang Christmas Lights Festival (Courtesy of 鄭雅之/Taipei Walker)
新莊耶誕燈節 |Xinzhuang Christmas Lights Festival (Courtesy of 鄭雅之/Taipei Walker)
新莊耶誕燈節 |Xinzhuang Christmas Lights Festival (Courtesy of 鄭雅之/Taipei Walker)

宏匯廣場部分則是有耶誕節傳統「mistletoe kiss」,有超大榭寄生幸福之門等著你來合影,每晚17點至21點期間內,每逢整點還會加碼進行兩分半鐘的燈光秀。

What’s more? There is a huge “mistletoe door” at Honhui plaza, where you can enjoy the two and a half minutes of lighting show every hour from 5 to 9 p.m.

超大榭寄生幸福之門| There is a huge “mistletoe door” at Honhui plaza. (Courtesy of 鄭雅之/Taipei Walker)
超大榭寄生幸福之門| There is a huge “mistletoe door” at Honhui plaza. (Courtesy of 鄭雅之/Taipei Walker)

新莊耶誕燈節| Xinzhuang Christmas Lights Festival
活動時間:即日起至2021/01/03 | Date: now until Jan. 3, 2021
地點:新莊中港大排、宏匯廣場 | Location: Xinzhuang Xinzhuang, Honhui Plaza

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