日本喪屍漫畫出現「這畫面」 網友瘋傳:搭台灣公車陰影太深

<p>Japanese zombie comic “I Am a Hero” (Courtesy of Amazon/Kengo Hanazawa) </p>

Japanese zombie comic “I Am a Hero” (Courtesy of Amazon/Kengo Hanazawa)


Jiufen has long been a popular destination among Japanese tourists.

Against this backdrop, two pages of the popular Japanese zombie comic, “I Am a Hero,” posted to Reddit caused a heated discussion online over the weekend when social media users discovered that the storyline was set in Taiwan’s Jiufen.


A Reddit user @u/Environmental_Rub_31 posted two pictures taken from “I Am a Hero” on Friday, in which a van passes through Jiufen’s old street at hight speed, leaving the passengers shouting: “You’re going too fast!”

A Reddit user @u/Environmental_Rub_31 posted two pictures taken from “I Am a Hero” on Friday. (Courtesy of Kengo Hanazawa)
A Reddit user @u/Environmental_Rub_31 posted two pictures taken from “I Am a Hero” on Friday. (Courtesy of Kengo Hanazawa)


The aforesaid social media user, who asked others to guess where the scene of this comic was inspired by, discovered that it was Jiufen in Taiwan.

“I was surprised when I saw this in the manga,” the user wrote.

A Reddit user @u/Environmental_Rub_31 posted two pictures taken from “I Am a Hero” on Friday. (Courtesy of Kengo Hanazawa)
A Reddit user @u/Environmental_Rub_31 posted two pictures taken from “I Am a Hero” on Friday. (Courtesy of Kengo Hanazawa)

貼文旋即引發熱議,有網友補充道,這部漫畫主場景雖然設在日本,但後面故事情節有小分支,並將場景移到台灣。除了九份老街,漫畫內的人物還有造訪阿妹茶樓(A-MEI Tea House),以及永康街附近街道。

In response to the post, one user explained that the comic is set in Japan but it veers into a small sub-story in Taiwan.

In addition to Jiufen Old Street, the characters in the comic also visit the A-MEI Tea House and the neighborhood near Yongkang street.


One of the users commented: “Cool! I know Jiufen is pretty popular with Japanese tourists, nice to see it pop up in a manga.”

One said that Japanese people seem to like Jiufen for some reason while the other wrote that he just learned Jiufen was the inspiration behind the town in Spirited Away.


A Japanese once shared his experience of taking a bus in Jiufen on social media, saying that the driver began rocketing down the winding road after having left the narrow streets of Jiufen’s old town.

“It’s a far cry from the Japanese bus driver,” the user commented.

A bus to Jiufen (NOWnews)
A bus to Jiufen (NOWnews)


Perhaps it was the experience of taking a bus in Jiufen that inspired the author of this comic.


“I Am a Hero,” written by Kengo Hanazawa, has won Japanese cartoon grand prizes and was even remade into a movie in 2016.