沙國改革移工勞權因受虐情況多 「允許期滿換工作」保障移工

<p>November 2, 2018 – Jakarta, Indonesia – Indonesian activists from Migrant Care stands with a placard during a protest about the execution of Indonesian migrant worker Tuti Tursilawati in front of the Embassy of Saudi Arabia at Jakarta, Indonesia, on Friday, November 2, 2018. Tuti Tursilawati, a migrant worker from Majalengka, Indonesia, was executed on Monday, seven years after she was convicted of murdering her employer in the Saudi city of Taif. Many women from Indonesia work as maids in the Middle East and various Asian countries, often leaving their families behind for the promise of steady income</p>
<p>November 2, 2018 – Jakarta, Indonesia – Indonesian activists from Migrant Care stands with a placard during a protest about the execution of Indonesian migrant worker Tuti Tursilawati in front of the Embassy of Saudi Arabia at Jakarta, Indonesia, on Friday, November 2, 2018. Tuti Tursilawati, a migrant worker from Majalengka, Indonesia, was executed on Monday, seven years after she was convicted of murdering her employer in the Saudi city of Taif. Many women from Indonesia work as maids in the Middle East and various Asian countries, often leaving their families behind for the promise of steady income</p>




在台灣,移工無法任意轉換工作,如果要換工作還需要支付仲介大筆的「買工費」(來之前亦已支付過海外仲介費用,海外仲介則稱這筆費用為聘僱費『recruitment fee』),讓付出辛苦勞力、本身家境並不優渥的他們還要再被剝削一遍。

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