混血創作才女改編麥可傑克森經典歌 勵志歌詞溫暖人心

【看CP學英文】音樂創作人卡林Karin近期推出YouTube,分享改編版麥可·傑克森的歌曲 “We Are The World “,期望能在世界面臨波折、同時也是轉機的一年,用輕鬆的旋律帶來更多正向力量。

Music composer Karin recently launched a music video on YouTube, sharing an adapted version of Michael Jackson’s popular song “We Are The World,” in the hopes of bringing more positive power when the world is facing ups and downs.


Born in 1995 in Taiwan, Karin grew up in a culturally diverse family. Her mother is a Japanese-Chinese influenced by the Western education system and her father is a local Taiwanese businessman.


In this song, Karin said the year 2020 seems a year plagued with disasters from the COVID-19, to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.

這首歌該編自麥可·傑克森的經典歌曲 “We Are The World”(四海一家),卡林更一手包辦所有中文歌詞。

The song is a remix from the songs “We Are The World” by Michael Jackson, and Karin writes the mandarin lyrics.


She sees 2020 as a year of renewal. Karin believes that COVID-19 and BLM will allow society to respect all races and be more cautious about disease prevention in the future.


Karin said she was influenced by her mother. She started playing the piano when she was little. On the other hand, Karin’s father always wanted her to lead a life with a stable salary. Karin attended an art school, Taipei Hwa Kang Arts School (臺北市私立華岡藝術學校), despite her father’s wishes.


After she graduated high school, she applied for the McNally Smith College of Music. However, not until she received a half scholarship did her father allow her to attend the music school.

卡林一直都很喜歡節奏藍調以及爵士樂,在就讀音樂學院期間,她聯繫上一名來自芝加哥的爵士樂歌手Bruce Henry,並詢問是否可以和他一起演出,而這名歌手也同意了。

Karin has always loved blues and jazz. While attending McNally Smith College of Music, she contacted a jazz singer from Chicago, Bruce Henry, to ask if she could perform with him. Luckily, the singer agreed.


Though just one semester before Karin was to graduate, McNally Smith College of Music went bankrupt, which meant Karin was sent back to Taiwan. She is now a full-time musician.


YouTube Channel



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