
【看CP學英文】近來,一位美國在台留學生因報考閩南語高級認證考而爆紅。在本周二與The China Post的專訪中,這位「阿兜仔」透露,自己非常想參加台灣八點檔的試鏡。

An American student who recently made headlines in Taiwan for taking the highest level of the Taiwanese-language test has unveiled plans to audition for local Taiwanese soap operas.


Daniel Isaacson told The China Post spoke about how he came to accomplish this almost unheard of feat, as many local citizens don’t understand, let alone speak, read and write the Taiwanese language.


The 25-year-old came to Taiwan after graduating from college. Having learned Chinese as a second language during his high school and university years, he wanted to continue practicing the language and enrolled in the Department of Political Science at the National Taiwan University (NTU) to obtain a master’s degree.


Initially, Isaacson wanted to learn Taiwanese for no other reason than to be able to have conversations with locals who spoke the dialect, including aunties at the supermarket or restaurant owners.


After he got the hang of it, Isaacson began taking more advanced classes and practiced with Taiwanese-speaking citizens, who he credited for always helping him adjust his pronunciations to make them more accurate.

不過,嚴天寧也向The China Post表示,儘管在台灣練習台語的機會很多,有趣的台語影音素材卻非常少,大部分的台語影片或廣播節目都隱含著「為了振興台語而說台語」。

However, Isaacson revealed that though there are plenty of opportunities to practice his Taiwanese, he has had difficulty in finding Taiwanese content that is interesting or engaging to him in the media, as many continuously revolve around the “importance” of the language.


One exception was Taiwanese soap operas playing at 8 p.m. every night. To prove how much he enjoys them, Isaacson filmed a short audition video in the hopes of getting the chance to nab a part in the shows.

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