癮君子抱怨「我不是來戒煙」 武漢包機361人離開檢疫所



【看英文中國郵報學英文】第 2 批武漢包機返台 361 人已於今( 25 )日清晨解除隔離,中央流行疫情指揮中心表示,所有人返家後仍須落實自主健康管理 14 天,此次集中檢疫整體滿意度 94.8% ,其中意見最多是未設置吸煙區,讓癮君子抱怨「我不是來戒菸的」。

The Central Epidemic Center revealed that all 361 people evacuated from Wuhan earlier this month have been released from quarantine on Wednesday. They also gave some feedback on the quarantine process administered by Taiwan authorities.

The satisfaction rate of health authorities’ work is 94.8 percent, though many complained that they were not quarantined “to quit smoking,” as there were no smoking areas provided.

中央流行疫情指揮中心表示,第 2 批武漢包機返台 361 人已於今日清晨解除隔離,其中 140 人由親友接送、 221 人搭乘交通部安排的遊覽車至定點後各自返家。在這 361 人中,僅有 2 人有發燒症狀,但 2 採為陰性。

The CECC said that among the passengers released from quarantine, about 140 people were driven home by family and friends while 221 took buses provided by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications.

Among the 361 evacuees, only two had previously shown symptoms of fever but later tested negative for the coronavirus.

中央流行疫情指揮中心醫療應變組副組長王必勝指出,此次集中檢疫整體滿意度 94.8% ,抱怨最多是癮君子認為未設置吸煙區,以及認為隔音不佳,另外建議可以配置打掃工具、增加兒童刊物等,會列入檢討。

Though most deemed their quarantine experience satisfactory, many complained about the lack of smoking areas and poor sound insulations. In addition, some advised that the government provides more cleaning equipment and reading materials for children for future reference, health authorities added.

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