管制區禁行車輛 跨年夜20個YouBike站關閉

<p>配合 12 月 31 日跨年活動,管制區域內全面禁止騎乘自行車, YouBike 微笑單車租借站也會暫停營運。| In accordance with the Taipei’s New Year’s Eve party, all bikes will be prohibited from riding in the surrounding regulated areas of Xinyi district. During the regulated hours, YouBike stations in those areas will also be closed temporarily. (NOWnews)</p>

配合 12 月 31 日跨年活動,管制區域內全面禁止騎乘自行車, YouBike 微笑單車租借站也會暫停營運。| In accordance with the Taipei’s New Year’s Eve party, all bikes will be prohibited from riding in the surrounding regulated areas of Xinyi district. During the regulated hours, YouBike stations in those areas will also be closed temporarily. (NOWnews)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】配合 12 月 31 日「台北最High新年城 – 2020 跨年晚會」,屆時信義區周邊將進行交管,管制區域內全面禁止騎乘自行車, YouBike 微笑單車租借站也會暫停營運,管制期間可至松山家商、富台公園、龍門廣場、捷運大安站、台北醫學大學等站位借還車。

To enhance safety during Taipei’s New Year’s Eve party, all bikes will be prohibited in the surrounding regulated areas of Xinyi District. During the regulated hours, YouBike stations in those areas will also be closed temporarily. Riders can still return their bikes at Songshan High School, Futai Park, Longmen Public Square, Daan MRT Station and Taipei Medical University stations.

北市府表示, 12 月 31 日 17:00 起,包含台北市政府、市民廣場、興雅國中、台北南山廣場、信義廣場(台北 101 )、世貿三館、國父紀念館站( 2 號出口)、三張犁、捷運台北 101 /世貿站、捷運象山站、仁愛逸仙路口、松德公園、信義基隆路口等, 13 個 YouBike 微笑單車租借站暫停營運。

Authorities said that starting at 5 p.m. on Dec. 31, 13 YouBike stations including Taipei City Hall, Civic Plaza, Xingya Middle School, Taipei Nanshan Plaza, Xinyi Plaza (Taipei 101), Taipei World Trade Center III, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall Station (Exit 2), Sanzhangli, Taipei 101 MRT Station, Xiangshan MRT Station, Renai-YiXian intersection, Songde Park and Xinyi-Keelung Intersection will be suspended.

除了前述 13 站, 19:00 起至再增加台北市災害應變中心、象山公園、捷運信義安和站( 4 號出口)、基隆光復路口、仁愛延吉街口、三興公園及捷運信義安和( 1 號出口)等 7 個站,計 20 個站暫停營運。

In addition to the aforementioned 13 YouBike Stations, 7 stations (Taipei Disaster Response Center, Xiangshan Park, Xinyi Anhe MRT Station (Exit 1 & Exit 4), Keelung-Guangfu Intersection, Renai-Yanji Intersection and Sanxing Park) will also be closed temporarily, starting from 7 p.m.

北市府提醒,管制期間導引停車場站為松山家商、富台公園、龍門廣場、捷運大安站、台北醫學大學,共 5 站。直到 1 月 1 日凌晨 03:00 , 20 個站恢復正常營運。

Officials stressed that Songshan High School, Futai Park, Longmen Square, Daan MRT Station and Taipei Medical University stations are available for YouBike parking. After 3 a.m., the aforementioned stations will resume operation.

此外,信義區周邊路段將於 12 月 31 日 17:00 至隔日 03:00 取消路邊停車格位、禁止臨時停車。活動當天自 19:00 、 20:00 及 22:00 時分階段實施交通管制, 19:30 分後市府轉運站暫停營運,旅客須至替代站位搭乘,呼籲民眾當天提早出門並多加搭乘大眾運輸工具到達活動會場。

More importantly, parking spaces around Xinyi District will not be available for parking between 5 p.m on Dec. 31, and 3 a.m. tomorrow. On the day of the event, various traffic control measures will be in place at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. After 7:30 p.m., Taipei City Hall MRT Station will be closed, so passengers need to go to alternate stations. Authorities suggest people set out early for the event and to make use of public transportation systems.

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