索羅門與我國斷交投中懷抱 韓選辦:蔡政府在兩岸關係上不能只搞對抗

韓國瑜(右)要蔡英文(左)在兩岸關係上不能只搞對抗。   圖:新頭殼合成
韓國瑜(右)要蔡英文(左)在兩岸關係上不能只搞對抗。 圖:新頭殼合成

[新頭殼newtalk] 南太平洋的邦交國索羅門今(16)日與我國斷交,轉而外交承認中國,國民黨總統參選人韓國瑜透過競選辦公室發表中英文聲明表示震驚,除呼籲中國不要再續挖中華民國邦交國,兩岸仍應以和為貴,相互展現彈性。蔡政府在兩岸關係上不能只搞對抗,一定要拿出具體辦法,在外交上阻止斷交的骨牌效應,並承諾真正確保中華民國主權。


英文聲明如下:The Solomon Islands, an island state in the South Pacific, had switched its formal diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing on September 16th, 2019. We feel shocked because the Solomon Islands is already the 6th country that severed its formal relations with the Republic of China since President Tsai assumed office on May 20, 2016. This is in a sharp relief with President Ma’s diplomatic legacy. We call for mainland China to stop engaging in a zero-sum competition in the international arena with Taiwan. Peace in the Taiwan Strait must be the top concern of both sides. President Tsai’s confrontational policy toward mainland China often puts the ROC’s diplomatic allies in a difficult position of having to choose between the ROC and the PRC. We strongly suggest that the President find concrete steps to stop the domino effects of allies’ diplomatic de-recognition, thus safeguarding the ROC’s sovereignty as she has promised.

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