【經典口味】車仔雞翼尖 Cart noodle style chicken wing tips


製作時間: 1小時內
份量人數: 3-4人

雞翼尖 Chicken wing tips 500克/g
咖喱醬 Curry paste 2湯匙/tbsp
沙嗲醬 Satay paste 1湯匙/tbsp
海鮮醬 Hoisin paste 2茶匙/tsp
薑 Ginger 5片/Slices
糖 Sugar 2茶匙/tsp
紹興酒 Shao Xing wine 2湯匙/tbsp
水 Water 300毫升/ml

1 :

雞翼尖與2片薑、1湯匙酒,同放熱水內汆水10分鐘 Blanch chicken wing tips with 2 slices of ginger and 1 tbsp of wine for 10 minutes.
2 :
撈起雞翼尖瀝乾 Drain dry chicken wing tips.
3 :

爆香3片薑,下咖喱醬、沙嗲醬及海鮮醬爆香 Stir fry remained ginger slices until fragrant. Add curry paste, satay paste and hoisin paste and stir well.
4 :

下雞翼尖兜勻,再灒酒兜勻 Add chicken wing tips and stir well. Sprinkle remained wine.
5 :

下水中細火煮至收汁 Add water and cook over low heat until sauce thicken.
6 :

加糖拌勻即成 Add sugar and stir well.

- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/53738
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com