網傳洛城高樓恐襲照片 洛警:莫驚慌 無可信證據



警局表示,與往常一樣,鼓勵每一位洛杉磯市民提高警覺,「見疑速報」(If you see something, say something),透過iWatchLA.org或致電1-877-ATHREAT知會警方。

➤➤➤網傳洛城驚悚假照片:蒙面男舉ISIS旗 背景高樓似爆炸

As always we encourage every Angeleno to heighten their awareness and “if you see something, say something.” Report it to https://t.co/jGoT7rw87U or 1-877-ATHREAT

— LAPD HQ (@LAPDHQ) 2019年2月16日

The Los Angeles Police Department is aware of the posting made on social media today however, at this point we have not been able to find any credible threat against buildings in our city.

— LAPD HQ (@LAPDHQ) 2019年2月16日

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