老外看台灣/老外闖萬里最恐怖廢墟 在二樓看見這畫面寒毛直豎

<p>Photos of the abandoned hotel in Wanli. (Photos courtesy of FoodBaby/Reddit)</p>

Photos of the abandoned hotel in Wanli. (Photos courtesy of FoodBaby/Reddit)


Urban exploring is a popular activity among foreigners in Taiwan, including visiting some abandoned spots that highlight Taiwan’s local culture.

近期,FoodBaby (食物寶寶)在美版PTT論壇Reddit上分享自己前往新北市萬里海邊的一間廢墟飯店探險照。

A social media user “FoodBaby” recently shared some photos of her exploration of an abandoned hotel near Wanli Beach in New Taipei City on Reddit, launching a conversation about urban exploration in the area.


The place, mostly known for its abandoned UFO houses, also houses a hidden gem and a relic of a very recent past: the Castle Restaurant (城堡餐廳) of the now abandoned, Howard Hotel.

A view overlooking the Castle Restaurant shows its close proximity with the sea. (Photo courtesy of FoodBabyTW/Website)
A view overlooking the Castle Restaurant shows its close proximity with the sea. (Photo courtesy of FoodBabyTW/Website)


FoodBaby’s pictures captured the mosaic-patterned ceilings and a huge foyer with a space that seemed to be a fountain that now boasts broken flower pots.

The once-grand foyer is now filled with broken flower pots and debris. (Photo courtesy of FoodBaby/Reddit)
The once-grand foyer is now filled with broken flower pots and debris. (Photo courtesy of FoodBaby/Reddit)


She also headed to the basement during her visit and found a dark empty pool and a gym with mirrors everywhere, which she called the “creepiest” part of the building.

FoodBaby discovered an old swimming pool in the basement which she described as the creepiest place in the building. (Photo courtesy of FoodBaby/Instagram/Website)
FoodBaby discovered an old swimming pool in the basement which she described as the creepiest place in the building. (Photo courtesy of FoodBaby/Instagram/Website)


Hearing banging sounds from upstairs, she and her friend headed up only to discover a teddy bear hanging from the ceiling in one of the hallways.


Her post immediately attracted the attention of the foreign community in Taiwan who praised her for her bravery in setting foot in the building.


Others also expressed interest in visiting themselves someday and many more questioned the exact location and reason behind the abandonment.

The second floor of the Castle Restaurant. (Photo courtesy of FoodBabyTW/Website)
The second floor of the Castle Restaurant. (Photo courtesy of FoodBabyTW/Website)


In fact, the building was only closed in April as it was hit hard by the diminishing number of tourists as a result of the pandemic.


The Castle Restaurant was a huge attraction in the past, with its Greek-style architecture and its many features, including an array of different types of cuisines, a gym, a sauna, a spa, and a swimming pool located in the basement.


Sadly, it is left to ruin in today’s climate and will stand as a window into the past for adventurous explorers in the future.

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