【葡國風味】芥末醬炒蜆 Ameijoas com mostarda / Stir fry clams


製作時間: 30分鐘內
份量人數: 3-4人

白沙蜆 Clam 900克/g
洋蔥(切粒) Onion (Diced) ½個/pc
蒜頭(切碎)Garlic (Chopped) 8瓣/Cloves
英式芥末 English mustard 3茶匙/tsp
橄欖油 Olive 少許/Some

1 :
蜆洗淨及吐淨沙, 待用 Purge sands from clams and rinse well.
2 :

先爆香洋蔥,再放入及蒜頭 Stir fry onion with olive oil until fragrant. Then add in garlic.
3 :

加入蜆略炒 Add in the clams.
4 :

加入英式芥末 Add in English mustard and stir well.
5 :

加蓋煮至蜆殻打開 Cover and cook until clams open.

- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/53856
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com