
<p>The photo collage shows cheesecake and “drinkable cheesecake.” (Courtesy of MORINAGA/Shutterstock)</p>

The photo collage shows cheesecake and “drinkable cheesecake.” (Courtesy of MORINAGA/Shutterstock)


Following the release of fluffy pancake steamed buns, Japan’s sweet maker Morinaga has recently launched a lineup of beverages that turn food into “drinkable” versions.


In addition to turning ice cream and sweet potatoes into drinks, the most eye-catching product in the lineup is the new “drinkable cheesecake”!

起司蛋糕飲品每瓶450毫升 | The cheesecake drink is 450ml per bottle. (Courtesy of MORINAGA)
起司蛋糕飲品每瓶450毫升 | The cheesecake drink is 450ml per bottle. (Courtesy of MORINAGA)


According to Japanese media, each bottle contains 450 ml of liquid cheesecake. The milk-based drink is as creamy and smooth as cheese, just like eating a whole cheesecake.

可飲用的冰淇淋 | Drinkable ice cream (Courtesy of MORINAGA)
可飲用的冰淇淋 | Drinkable ice cream (Courtesy of MORINAGA)


The “drinkable” cheesecake will be available for a limited time from Jan. 26 at Morinaga stores throughout Japan except for Okinawa.

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