超萌台灣旅遊書登募資平台 疫情下也能前往「這五點」

<p>The first prototype book, “Hello, Taiwan” on Kickstarter focuses primarily on Taipei, Taiwan. (Photo courtesy of @yingxing.you/Instagram)</p>

The first prototype book, “Hello, Taiwan” on Kickstarter focuses primarily on Taipei, Taiwan. (Photo courtesy of @yingxing.you/Instagram)


Amid the global pandemic, traveling has gotten more and more difficult with the establishment of travel restrictions. However, books are often able to provide insights on places that we have never been to.

「你好,世界」(Hello, World!)是由一位台灣旅行者You Yingxing所創的立體書,她表示希望藉由此書本介紹世界各地。You Yingxing有設計和電腦科學背景,但她一直以來都對人類文化非常感興趣。

“Hello, World!” is a project started on Kickstarter by Taiwanese traveler Yingxing You that hopes to use pop-up books to introduce new places. You comes from a design and computer science background, but she has a fascination with human culture.

“Hello, World!” is a project started on Kickstarter by Taiwanese traveler Yingxing You that hopes to use pop-up books to introduce new places. (Photo courtesy of @yingxing.you/Instagram)
“Hello, World!” is a project started on Kickstarter by Taiwanese traveler Yingxing You that hopes to use pop-up books to introduce new places. (Photo courtesy of @yingxing.you/Instagram)


According to her Kickstarter page, she noticed that the recent travel restrictions may cause children to not get the same opportunity to travel and experience foreign cultures, so pop-up books would serve as an interactive and immersive experience to learn about new places.


The “Hello, World!” series would star two children (Leo and Lea) that introduce readers to different aspects of famous cities, such as religion, food, living style, and sightseeing, in each book.


The first prototype book on Kickstarter focuses primarily on Taipei, Taiwan. “Hello, Taiwan” introduces readers to Taiwanese culture through 5 different scenes including “Miaokou Square”, “Night Markets,” “Taipei Streets,” “(The Taiwanese) Living room,” and “(The Taiwanese) Kitchen”.

“Hello, Taiwan” introduces readers to Taiwanese culture through 5 different scenes including “Miaokou Square”, “Night Market”, “Taipei Street”, “Living room”, and “Kitchen”. (Photo courtesy of @yingxing.you/Instagram)
“Hello, Taiwan” introduces readers to Taiwanese culture through 5 different scenes including “Miaokou Square”, “Night Market”, “Taipei Street”, “Living room”, and “Kitchen”. (Photo courtesy of @yingxing.you/Instagram)


The “Hello, Taiwan” pop-up book is planned to go into production in August 2021.

另外,You Yingxing提供國際配送服務,而最早於2022年2月就可以開始宅配。

If you are interested in her book, remember that the author also offers worldwide shipping, with shipments beginning in February 2022.

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