超萌「貼紙式」刺青爆紅 加籍藝術家曝意外創作之路

<p>Canadian tattoo artist Luke Cormier demonstrates his very unique sticker-like tattoos. (Photo courtesy of @mr.sticker.tattoo/Instagram)</p>

Canadian tattoo artist Luke Cormier demonstrates his very unique sticker-like tattoos. (Photo courtesy of @mr.sticker.tattoo/Instagram)

【看CP學英文】刺青對許多人來說為一種自我表達的方式,而對於刺青師而言,這也是他們呈現各自獨特風格的方式之一。其中,加拿大刺青師Luke Cormier (路加.柯彌爾)近期也大展身手因他獨特的「貼紙式」刺青爆紅。

Tattoos are a way of self-expression for the tattooed and also the artist, as Canadian tattoo artist Luke Cormier recently demonstrated with his very unique sticker-like tattoos.


According to Cormier’s Instagram, he specializes in pop-culture designs including characters from classic cartoons or video games such as The Powerpuff Girls, Super Mario, and Lilo and Stitch.


The adorable designs are all drawn with “creases” and a white border; this accompanied with clever shading gives the tattoos a sticker-like quality that looks as if it had just been pasted on.

He specializes in pop-culture designs. (Photo courtesy of @mr.sticker.tattoo/Instagram)
He specializes in pop-culture designs. (Photo courtesy of @mr.sticker.tattoo/Instagram)


According to foreign media reports, Cormier originally wanted to go into piercing and admitted that he wasn’t entirely sure how he got into the tattoo business.

Cormier originally wanted to go into piercing and admitted that he wasn’t entirely sure how he got into the tattoo business. (Photo courtesy of @mr.sticker.tattoo/Instagram)
Cormier originally wanted to go into piercing and admitted that he wasn’t entirely sure how he got into the tattoo business. (Photo courtesy of @mr.sticker.tattoo/Instagram)


“I fell into tattooing by accident,” Cormier said when interviewed by foreign media, but added that everyone had tattoos where he grew up so it became pretty natural that he later took up the art.


Cormier explained that friends and family had always pointed out that his drawings and designs resembled those of stickers, which was why he later decided to add a white border-line to all his designs to really give it the desired quality look.


The artist now boasts of 116K followers on Instagram with extremely positive comments underneath his artworks, though many question whether the tattoos are really permanent (they are).

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