
<p>Q 版防疫 3 大將蘇貞昌、陳時中、唐鳳。(圖/翻攝 黃立佩 Lipei Huang 臉書)</p>

Q 版防疫 3 大將蘇貞昌、陳時中、唐鳳。(圖/翻攝 黃立佩 Lipei Huang 臉書)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】COVID-19 (武漢肺炎)疫情在台灣目前確診病例數來到 59 例,相比其他國家大爆發之勢,台灣的確診病例數在全球排名中逐漸往後,防疫卓有成效,引起國際關注。其中政府在防疫及口罩政策上正確的實施與支持非常重要,插畫家黃立佩便繪製 3 位防疫大將的 Q 版畫作,引起網友們瘋狂朝聖。

With only 59 confirmed COVID-19 cases, Taiwan has gained international recognition for its fast and sound prevention measures. In particular, the government’s regulations regarding face-masks distribution were especially praised.

In a tribute dedicated to the hard-working government officials, cartoonist Huang Li-pei (黃立佩) drew quirky caricatures of the three “generals” responsible for protecting Taiwan from the coronavirus.

插畫家黃立佩近日在臉書分享致敬台灣防疫 3 位大將的作品,將行政院長蘇貞昌、衛福部長陳時中、政務委員唐鳳繪製成 3 種可愛的海洋生物,「謝謝所有協助防疫的人員」。

Li transformed Premier Su Tseng-chang (蘇貞昌), Health Minister Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) and Digital Minister Audrey Tang (唐鳳) into lovable sea creatures.

網友們認為畫裡 3 位大將,以小海獺跟陳時中最相像。(合成圖/ NOWnews 資料照、黃立佩臉書)
網友們認為畫裡 3 位大將,以小海獺跟陳時中最相像。(合成圖/ NOWnews 資料照、黃立佩臉書)

在畫裡,蘇貞昌化作正經有智慧的海獅,手上還拿著口罩,象徵在禁口罩出口、實名制購買政策的付出;陳時中則是辛勤宣布事情的小海獺,手握麥克風,每日召開記者會發布最新疫報; Q 版海豹的唐鳳則在領口罩發揮科技上的強項,其筆電背面還有亮點,將背燈繪成了台灣的形狀。

Su Tseng-chang is a knowledgeable walrus with one “hand” on a face mask, representing his quick action in restricting the export of the masks.

Health Minister Chen Shih-chung is depicted as an otter, broadcasting news. He holds a microphone to hint at the Central Epidemic Command Center’s (CECC,中央流行疫情中心) daily press conferences.

On the right, Audrey Tang is shown as a sea lion using a computer to symbolize her efforts in establishing the name-based system for face-masks distribution.

這篇文章吸引 1.5 萬名網友感動按讚,還釣出蘇貞昌本人回應「也感謝所有配合政府防疫的國人同胞!有政府,請安心」。

The post garnered 15,000 likes and received a warm response from the premier himself, thanking the people for cooperating with officials’ regulations and reassuring the public of their continuous efforts in battling the virus.

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