
<p>迪士尼最新動畫《尋龍使者:拉雅》推出首位東南亞公主,受到泰國知名美女影星Yaya啟發。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Disney’s latest animation “Raya and the Last Dragon” featured its first Southeast Asian princess, which the production team revealed to be inspired by Yaya, a famous Thai celebrity. (photo courtesy/ Instagram)</p>

迪士尼最新動畫《尋龍使者:拉雅》推出首位東南亞公主,受到泰國知名美女影星Yaya啟發。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Disney’s latest animation “Raya and the Last Dragon” featured its first Southeast Asian princess, which the production team revealed to be inspired by Yaya, a famous Thai celebrity. (photo courtesy/ Instagram)


Disney’s latest animation “Raya and the Last Dragon” featured its first Southeast Asian princess, which the production team revealed on Instagram to be inspired by Yaya, a famous Thai celebrity.

綜合泰國媒體報導,《尋龍使者:拉雅》泰國裔的電影編劇Fawn Veerasunthorn日前在IG上發出消息,稱女星Yaya將擔任泰國版動畫配音,她還手繪了一張Yaya倚靠著嘟嘟車圖畫,與粉絲分享好消息。她在文中表示:「期待Yaya的演繹將為拉雅的角色注入活力」。

According to various Thai media reports, Fawn Veerasunthorn, the head of the story for the film who is also a Thai citizen, recently revealed on Instagram that actress Yaya will be the voice of princess Raya in the Thai version of the animation.

She posted a sketch, showing Yaya leaning on a tuk-tuk to share the good news with fans. In the caption, she wrote: “Looking forward to seeing Yaya bringing Raya to life!”

迪士尼最新動畫《尋龍使者:拉雅》推出首位東南亞公主,受到泰國知名美女影星Yaya啟發。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Disney’s latest animation “Raya and the Last Dragon” featured its first Southeast Asian princess, which the production team revealed to be inspired by Yaya, a famous Thai celebrity. (photo courtesy/ Instagram)
迪士尼最新動畫《尋龍使者:拉雅》推出首位東南亞公主,受到泰國知名美女影星Yaya啟發。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Disney’s latest animation “Raya and the Last Dragon” featured its first Southeast Asian princess, which the production team revealed to be inspired by Yaya, a famous Thai celebrity. (photo courtesy/ Instagram)

而迪士尼動畫總監Dean Wellins則在底下留言回應:「我是Yaya的忠實粉絲,別告訴她是她啟發了拉雅的角色設計靈感」。Fawn則回覆稱:「Dean,這我們確定能說出來嗎??」儘管該評論後來已被刪除,但對話截圖在網上瘋傳,引發網友討論。

One of the screenwriters, Dean Wellins, left a comment under the post saying, “Big fan of Yaya, don’t tell her she inspired the character design,” to which Fawn replied, “DEAN, CAN WE SAY THIS OUT LOUD???”.

Although the comments were later deleted, a screenshot of the conversation went viral, sparking excitement among fans.

迪士尼最新動畫《尋龍使者:拉雅》推出首位東南亞公主,受到泰國知名美女影星Yaya啟發。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Disney’s latest animation “Raya and the Last Dragon” featured its first Southeast Asian princess, which the production team revealed to be inspired by Yaya, a famous Thai celebrity. (photo courtesy/ Instagram)
迪士尼最新動畫《尋龍使者:拉雅》推出首位東南亞公主,受到泰國知名美女影星Yaya啟發。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Disney’s latest animation “Raya and the Last Dragon” featured its first Southeast Asian princess, which the production team revealed to be inspired by Yaya, a famous Thai celebrity. (photo courtesy/ Instagram)


Yaya, 28, is Thailand’s national sweetheart. She has made a name for herself as the star of Thailand’s best-selling movie “Brother of the Year.” She has already won numerous film and television awards.

Produced by the original team of “Frozen,” “Raya and the Last Dragon” is an inspired blend of Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma, Malaysia, India, the Philippines, Laos, and other Southeast Asian countries.

The film is currently showing in Taiwan cinemas.

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