還原宮崎駿動畫場景!2022日本吉卜力樂園 走進神隱少女食堂街、霍爾的移動城堡

<p>吉卜力大倉庫座落在園區正中央,遊客可以在此休息,購入吉卜力相關商品。|The Ghibli’s Storage will be situated at the center of the park.Tourists can rest and buy Ghibli-related items at the gift shops.(Courtesy of Studio Ghibli)</p>

吉卜力大倉庫座落在園區正中央,遊客可以在此休息,購入吉卜力相關商品。|The Ghibli’s Storage will be situated at the center of the park.Tourists can rest and buy Ghibli-related items at the gift shops.(Courtesy of Studio Ghibli)


Ghibli fans can add one more destination to their bucket list ideas in Japan.

日本吉卜力樂園預計於2022年秋季在愛知縣的愛• 地球博紀念公園盛大開幕,還原神隱少女、魔法公主、豆豆龍等宮崎駿動畫經典場景。

The Ghibli Amusement Park is set to open in the fall of 2022 at Aichi Earth Expo Memorial Park in Aichi. Scenes in blockbuster films like “Spirited Away,” “Princess Mononoke” and “My Neighbor Totoro,” will all be re-imagined in the park.


The parks will be split into five sections: “Hills of Youth”, “Ghibli’s Storage”, “Totoro’s Forest”, “Magic Hometown” and “Witch’s Valley”, with the latter two opening in 2023.

1. 青春之丘 (青春の丘エリア ) | Hills of Youth

遊客可以搭上電梯一覽園區景緻。| Visitors can go through the “elevator building” in place of a front door, and view the entire park from up high. (Courtesy of Studio Ghibli)
遊客可以搭上電梯一覽園區景緻。| Visitors can go through the “elevator building” in place of a front door, and view the entire park from up high. (Courtesy of Studio Ghibli)


Upon entering the park, you will be met with “Hills of Youth.” By combining 19th-century scientific elements from “Howl’s Moving Castle,” you will go through the “elevator building” in place of a front door, and view the entire park from up high.

2. 吉卜力大倉庫(ジブリの大倉庫エリア)| Ghibli’s Storage

吉卜力大倉庫座落在園區正中央,遊客可以在此休息,購入吉卜力相關商品。|The Ghibli’s Storage will be situated at the center of the park. Tourists can rest and buy Ghibli-related items at the gift shops. (Courtesy of Studio Ghibli)
吉卜力大倉庫座落在園區正中央,遊客可以在此休息,購入吉卜力相關商品。|The Ghibli’s Storage will be situated at the center of the park. Tourists can rest and buy Ghibli-related items at the gift shops. (Courtesy of Studio Ghibli)


The Ghibli’s Storage will be situated in the center of the park. Inside, visitors can visit Ghibli’s viewing room, playground, exhibit centers, stores and coffee shops. Tourists can rest and buy Ghibli-related items at the gift shops.


In addition, the “Spirited Away” food court is also situated in this area! Visitors can dine, rest and revel in the mysterious world at the other end of the tunnel.

3. 龍貓森林(どんどこ森林)| Dondoko (Totoro) Forest

龍貓森林將動畫《龍貓》場景還原,重現小月、小梅與爸爸住的小木屋,以及昭和時代的鄉野風光。|<br>Dondoko (Totoro) Forest will bring forth original scenes in the film, including the house where the family of three lived and the countryside during the Showa Period. (Courtesy of Studio Ghibli)
Dondoko (Totoro) Forest will bring forth original scenes in the film, including the house where the family of three lived and the countryside during the Showa Period. (Courtesy of Studio Ghibli)


Dondoko Forest brought forth the original scenes in the film, including the house where the family of three lived and the countryside during the Showa Period.

4. 魔法故鄉(もののけの里エリア)| Magic Hometown

魔法故鄉與現有原野自然風光結合,樹木環繞四周,重現《魔法公主》場景,遊客可以在此一窺「達達拉城」煉鐵廠、蝦夷村落。|<br>By incorporating nature into the park area, this section is completely surrounded by trees, bringing visitors into the world of Irontown. (Courtesy of Studio Ghibli)
By incorporating nature into the park area, this section is completely surrounded by trees, bringing visitors into the world of Irontown. (Courtesy of Studio Ghibli)


Incorporating nature into the park, this section is completely surrounded by trees, and brings visitors into the world of Irontown.

5. 魔女之谷(魔女の谷エリア)| Witch’s Valley

此區取景北歐城市,再現《魔女宅急便》和《霍爾的移動城堡》的場景建築,像是霍爾的城堡、魔女琪琪的家。| European style architecture is present in Witch’s Valley, where visitors can head into buildings from “Kiki’s Delivery Service” and “Howl’s Moving Castle”.<br>(Courtesy of Studio Ghibli)
此區取景北歐城市,再現《魔女宅急便》和《霍爾的移動城堡》的場景建築,像是霍爾的城堡、魔女琪琪的家。| European style architecture is present in Witch’s Valley, where visitors can head into buildings from “Kiki’s Delivery Service” and “Howl’s Moving Castle”.
(Courtesy of Studio Ghibli)


European architecture is the main attraction in Witch’s Valley, where visitors can head into buildings from “Kiki’s Delivery Service” and “Howl’s Moving Castle”.

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