阿中貼圖教大家如何防疫 衛福部推出免費LINE貼圖

<p>阿中出貼圖了!LINE台灣攜手合作衛福部推出免費超Q防疫貼圖 | LINE launches adorable stickers with MOHW (Courtesy of Facebook/MOHW)</p>

阿中出貼圖了!LINE台灣攜手合作衛福部推出免費超Q防疫貼圖 | LINE launches adorable stickers with MOHW (Courtesy of Facebook/MOHW)


LINE, an app for instant communications, has joined hands with the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) to launch adorable stickers featuring CECC Chief Commander Chen Shih-chung to promote preventive measures against the coronavirus.


The themed stickers are intended to raise awareness against misinformation and remind the public to often wash their hands and wear a mask in public space.


The free stickers are available for download until April 15. Scan the QR code in the picture above to obtain your free set of stickers.

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