韓國麻糬朱古力曲奇Mochi Chocolate Cookie

韓國麻糬朱古力曲奇Mochi Chocolate Cookie

製作時間: 1小時以上
份量人數: 3-4人

【餡料材料 Fillings】糯米Glutinous Flour粉 65g
【餡料材料 Fillings】粟粉Corn starch 10 g
【餡料材料 Fillings】幼砂糖Sugar 10 g
【餡料材料 Fillings】牛奶 Milk 70 g
【餡料材料 Fillings】淡忌廉Light cream 70 g
【餡料材料 Fillings】無鹽牛油 Unsalted butter 10 g
【曲奇材料】Cookies ingredients (18人份量)
【曲奇材料】糖Sugar 50 g
【曲奇材料】鹽Salt 5 g
【曲奇材料】無鹽牛油 Unsalted butter 60 g
【曲奇材料】蛋黃 Egg yolk 1隻 1 pc
【曲奇材料】淡忌廉Light cream 70 g
【曲奇材料】低筋麵粉 Cake flour 165 g
【曲奇材料】可可粉Coco powder 8 to 10 g
【曲奇材料】泡打粉 Baking powder 1 g
【曲奇材料】朱古力粒 Chocolate chips 適量 some

1 :

【餡料做法 Mochi Steps 】:加入牛奶、淡忌廉、糯米粉、粟粉及幼砂糖攪拌均勻 Mix milk, light cream, lutinous flour, corn starch and sugar well
2 :

用手動打蛋器拌至無粉粒及糖溶化 Whisk till there is no visible powder or sugar
3 :

大火蒸20分鐘 Steam for 20 minuets
4 :

加入牛油拌匀,待稍涼時用手搓成糰 Add in butter, knead when cooler
5 :

用手搓成糰並分成16等份 Form 16 balls of dough
6 :

【曲奇做法 Cookies Steps】:融化牛油,並加入糖、鹽混合 Melt butter, mix with sugar and salt 用電動打蛋器攪拌到沒有糖粒 Mix with electronic mixer till smooth
7 :

加入蛋黃打匀 Add an egg yolk and mix well
8 :

分次加入淡忌廉,打至有小軟勾 Add light cream in a few portions, whisk until a small hook forms on your whisk.
9 :

篩入低筋麵粉、可可粉、泡打粉。用刮刀拌匀 Sift cake flour, coco powder and baking powder in. Mix well with scraper.
10 :

加入朱古力粒。用手搓成糰並分成16等份。 Mix in chocolate chips. Form 16 balls of dough.
11 :

每份曲奇麵糰包入一份餡料,收口向下 Wrap the mochi in doughs, with the twist sides downward
12 :

放焗盤上,用手稍為壓平 Place the dough onto a baking tray, flatten them slightly with hands.
13 :

放入氣炸鍋170度焗約 8-10分鐘 Air fry at 170 °C for 8-10 minutes.

- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/50918
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com