【韓式風味】韓式辣炒豬肉 Korean style spicy stir fried pork sl


製作時間: 30分鐘內
份量人數: 1-2人

豬梅肉片 Pork slice 250克/g
杏鮑菇 Oyster mushroom 2隻/pcs
洋蔥 Onion ½個/pc
蒜蓉 Minced garlic 2 茶匙/tsp
韓式辣醬 Korean chili paste 2湯匙/tbsp
蜜糖 Honey 2湯匙/tbsp
生抽 Soy sauce 1湯匙/tbsp
米酒 Rice wine 1湯匙/tbsp
麻油 Sesame oil 適量/Some
蔥花 Chopped spring onion 適量/Some
芝麻 Sesame 適量/Some
白飯 1大碗/Bowl

1 :

豬梅肉片用韓式辣醬、蜜糖、生抽及米酒醃15分鐘 Marinate pork slices with Korean chili paste, honey, soy sauce and rice wine for 15 minutes.
2 :
杏鮑菇打直切半 Halve oyster mushrooms.
3 :

燒熱油,爆香蒜蓉及洋蔥 Heat oil. Stir fry minced garlic and onion until fragrant.
4 :

下杏鮑菇及豬梅肉片炒熟 Add oyster mushrooms and pork slices. Stir fry until cooked.
5 :

淋上麻油,灑蔥花及芝麻,配以白飯享用 Add sesame oil. Sprinkle chopped spring onion and sesame. Serve with rice.

- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/53658
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com